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View Full Version : polling those who have had the rotary jig for a while

06-20-2014, 09:29 AM
I am still interested in getting a rotary jig and have noticed that after the initial excitement there hasn't been much discussion on it so I was wondering if those who have had it for a while would like to weigh in on it. Has it measured up to you expectations and would you buy it again?

A) Best enhancement ever for the Carvewright, I've forgotten how to put flat boards in.

B) A worthwhile addition, really enhances what you can do.

C) After the initial excitement I don't use it as much as I thought I would.

D) Never could get the darn thing to work, stay away.


06-20-2014, 10:34 AM
Are you coming to the Conference next week? You will get an earful and eyeful of fantastic and inspiring rotary projects (and a whole lot more!!).

06-20-2014, 11:05 AM
It is true I have not used mine in awhile but I have plans to. One of my sons has modeled his old Corolla Sprinter (so he can drive it in video games!). Look how it will carve using the rotary. We will have to make a front and rear separately, but look at how easy the main body will be to carve.

I too thought we would have seen more rotary stuff than we have. The poll results will be interesting.

06-20-2014, 06:00 PM
I wpuld love to come to the conference, Michael, but I think since coming to the conference and buying the jig cost about the same I will probably opt for the jig.

06-20-2014, 06:17 PM
I have found so many additional things my Carvewright can now do. Keep in mind I have had the baker jig and was using it.

06-20-2014, 09:39 PM
It is true I have not used mine in awhile but I have plans to. One of my sons has modeled his old Corolla Sprinter (so he can drive it in video games!). Look how it will carve using the rotary. We will have to make a front and rear separately, but look at how easy the main body will be to carve.

I too thought we would have seen more rotary stuff than we have. The poll results will be interesting.

I have carved a few things.
I have been real busy with other work. I have limited my carvings to what I can carve with the standard bit after breaking both a 1/16 long:mad: and 1/8 long bit. :oops:I haven't wanted to spend the money on them since I never completed a deep carve with either.

06-20-2014, 10:17 PM
I have only carved one test carve - ball and claw lower chair leg. The software is amazing. The fun is figuring our how to do what you want to do. For the ball and claw (imported STL file)I used, the ball wasn't so to pretty good, not long enough and not really ball shaped - so, I moved the claw up a little to make room and extruded a new ball to over-write the original. Worked slick a snot in designer, but haven't carved it yet. The first one took 5:12 to carve. But that is what I mean about figuring out how to do stuff. There are still flat stuff puzzles. I finally figured out how to put a carved out region or window created with a wrap in a shaped or extruded area. AskBud and I played with this a while back and I finally decided to do a 2 pass carve, but now I can do it in one pass - as can you if you use one of my new projects - the Princes or Queen Box. This software, rotary, 3D, etc. offers never ending challenges.

06-20-2014, 10:42 PM
i think maybe that is why there aren't that many posts. Everyone is still playing with the software getting over the learning curve etc…
I had to do a couple of mods on my jig.
I put a thin washer between the large sprocket and the keypad side plate and had to countersink the screw holes in the sprocket a little deeper to keep the screws from dragging


06-21-2014, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the replies so far. Anyone care to share some of the new things that you have come up with? Anyone have a "this is the one thing that makes it all worthwhile" yet? I expected one of the first things to happen would be someone would come up with a full chess set and gotten it into the pattern store, but I hadn't seen that yet.


06-21-2014, 07:27 PM
I'm on the edge of ordering the jig myself. I'd feel more comfortable seeing more posts but what I have seen looks pretty good. I'm usually one to wait until the bugs get worked out and then jump in but maybe I won't wait this time. It's complicated by the fact that I also have to get the 2.0 upgrade, 3d tools and the stl importer.....probably waiting for the next sale.

06-21-2014, 07:47 PM
I purchased Ed Bakers Jig long time ago.Made a lots of pens and duck call and other item(.Modified Ed Jig to hold pen mandrel and Ask Bud third rail) Ed was ahead of his time. Bought the new rotary jig couple weeks back. i like the software because you can see what the carve will look like Haven't use the new jig yet. Wish there were STL files that were available to purchased of North American Wildlife .Most of my work with the Carvewright is wildlife related for my family and friends As said early STL files for carving are scarce as I know nothing about making a Stl file Thanks Bert

06-21-2014, 07:54 PM
I think there is a chess set in the store from one of the vendors (ASK BUD), you have to buy the pieces individually.
I can make one by importing stl files, just haven't been able to time wise.

06-22-2014, 01:05 AM
Funny, you should say that...

06-22-2014, 05:56 AM
Funny, you should say that...

I love it when you put the ……… It usually means a surprise !!!!!!!!!!

06-23-2014, 07:26 PM
I built my own rotary jig a while back, was on the order of Ed Bakers. Worked fine, just needed to prove to myself that I could build one and make it work with just left over wood I had lay'n around. But I'm not much into round carvings as I am making signs and lithopanes with shadowboxes. But was fun doing the R&D and seeing it work.

06-24-2014, 07:26 PM
I built a home made rotary jig from files I downloaded here. Worked fine, but everything came out backwards. The software is the amazing ting about this new one. Here is something I found that you can do. I downloaded a STL ball and claw, but was not happy with the ball and the width of the band at the tom made the foot too small. I extruded a new ball to cover the original one the so it would be more ball shaped and hang down farther. I made the claw and new ball into a pattern and eliminated the ring around the top in Pattern Editor.

06-25-2014, 08:02 AM
Just curious who never got their rotary jig to work, and details of their experiences.
There are many here willing to help you resolve an difficulty with it. Once you get it going you will be pleased with the results and the added capabilities.

06-25-2014, 09:03 AM
Just curious who never got their rotary jig to work, and details of their experiences.
There are may here willing to help you resolve an difficulty with it. Once you get it going you will be pleased with the results and the added capabilities.

I was thinking the same. Let us know what happened. Others may be having the same problems and maybe we can help.

06-25-2014, 02:02 PM
I found it easier than I thought it wood be. The jig fits int the machine easier than the home made one and reading the calibration seemed intimidating, but it was a snap. Just take a copy of the PDF with you when you set it up.

06-29-2014, 08:06 PM
Now that the CarveWright 2014 Conference has 'revealed' a bunch of new features and cool techniques thus far, I'll post some pics of one of the items that I presented on. It's a new way to create really nice and unique lithophanes with the new Rotary Jig and PVC pipe that can sell for some serious money if you find the proper audience to cater to.

I'm suggesting making personal contact with any/all local professional photographers in your area along with a sample or two or three of these to show them. Better yet, if the photographer agrees to display one or two samples for their customers to see in person, I think they will sell themselves. Keep the price up...they are unique and worth every penny of $150 to $200 minimum retail for these! Do NOT sell yourself short on these or you will be cheating yourself. If folks think they are too much, then move on to someone who can appreciate the time and effort you put in creating this new product. It is a lifetime keepsake!

Other possible markets...make lighting accents for the patio, pool area, garden, gazebo, porches, whatever. Make attractive wall sconces for indoor use too. Market your new products via local interior and exterior design companies and/or via your own website. Put in the effort to alert the public of your product and it can pay big dividends.

More ideas (and projects) coming so you can maximize PROFITS from your Rotary Jig! Stayed tuned.

06-29-2014, 09:00 PM
Wow Michael, that is stunning. I'm looking forward to more of those features and techniques to be revealed.

06-29-2014, 09:37 PM

So glad you came up with this type of rotary carving. I was floored when you told me it was just pvc pipe when I asked how and where you found round corian.

I've already been looking up LED lighting ideas for the outside applications.

06-30-2014, 05:08 AM
That is really cool. Wish I had the rotary jig. I would buy it just for that feature, but money is tight at this time. Better start saving!

07-26-2014, 09:37 PM
Just made a couple of these to cover cheap walmart night lights

07-28-2014, 08:00 PM
I bought myself the rotary jig and it just came. Excited to start my first rotary project.

I think it would be a good idea for LHR to provide a couple of "Basic" rotary patterns like the basic patterns that come with the designer for flat boards.

Also, speaking of basic patterns I think it would be a good policy on LHR's part to add a new group of basic patterns with each new software version.


07-28-2014, 08:43 PM
Dave, do you have the Stl importer? if you do you can import a ton of stuff from thingiverse, grab cad,……... and lots of others that can be loaded right into designer.

or make your own…the software is really fun to play around with


07-28-2014, 09:54 PM
I do have the STL importer, but I still think it would be a good idea on LHR's part to create a few patterns and put them into a "basic" group of patterns just like exists for regular designer. And also to regularly increase the pool of basic patterns in designer.


07-29-2014, 07:26 PM
Question! I have STL importer and have tried importing some files (I'm new to this) but how do you go about "flattening/stretching" the image so it carves it out as a 3 dimensional object instead of an object carved on a side into the dowel?

07-29-2014, 07:38 PM
Question! I have STL importer and have tried importing some files (I'm new to this) but how do you go about "flattening/stretching" the image so it carves it out as a 3 dimensional object instead of an object carved on a side into the dowel?

Hi Paul,

Please watch the following video tutorial. (An STL will automatically unwrap for a rotary project as you follow the steps outlined in the first 3 1/2 minutes of the tutorial.)


07-29-2014, 09:45 PM
Hi Paul,

Please watch the following video tutorial. (An STL will automatically unwrap for a rotary project as you follow the steps outlined in the first 3 1/2 minutes of the tutorial.)


Thank you again! You've been a HUGE help! I missed this video somehow when going through the tutorials.

07-31-2014, 07:34 AM
Rotary Jig Question? I have a blank 1,5 in dia make with two different woods. I want to carve a pattern in a specific spot on the blank. On the layout board I have the pattern centered in board . The wood is a round circle there (dId not want to waste blank
on attempt lol) Thanks Bert

07-31-2014, 08:14 AM
the machine starts carving on the back side, with the top toward the keypad, so If you rotate the stock to the backside up when you start you should be where the carving is centered on the front


07-31-2014, 08:29 PM
Thanks . Ber

11-09-2014, 07:47 AM
Now that the CarveWright 2014 Conference has 'revealed' a bunch of new features and cool techniques thus far, I'll post some pics of one of the items that I presented on. It's a new way to create really nice and unique lithophanes with the new Rotary Jig and PVC pipe that can sell for some serious money if you find the proper audience to cater to.

I'm suggesting making personal contact with any/all local professional photographers in your area along with a sample or two or three of these to show them. Better yet, if the photographer agrees to display one or two samples for their customers to see in person, I think they will sell themselves. Keep the price up...they are unique and worth every penny of $150 to $200 minimum retail for these! Do NOT sell yourself short on these or you will be cheating yourself. If folks think they are too much, then move on to someone who can appreciate the time and effort you put in creating this new product. It is a lifetime keepsake!

Other possible markets...make lighting accents for the patio, pool area, garden, gazebo, porches, whatever. Make attractive wall sconces for indoor use too. Market your new products via local interior and exterior design companies and/or via your own website. Put in the effort to alert the public of your product and it can pay big dividends.

More ideas (and projects) coming so you can maximize PROFITS from your Rotary Jig! Stayed tuned.

I have searched endlessly for the post on how to assemble these. I know I read it, just didn't bookmark it.
Looking for the material list and details for the touch plate assembly.


The touch plate details is what I am looking for.

11-09-2014, 12:27 PM
Here are the jig tutorials http://www.carvewright.com/support-page/getting-started/tutorials/accessory-tutorials/rotary-jig-tutorials/

And Michael's litho http://forum.carvewright.com/showthread.php?25817-Rotary-Lithophanes!!&highlight=rotary+jig

11-09-2014, 02:04 PM
Here are the jig tutorials http://www.carvewright.com/support-page/getting-started/tutorials/accessory-tutorials/rotary-jig-tutorials/

And Michael's litho http://forum.carvewright.com/showthread.php?25817-Rotary-Lithophanes!!&highlight=rotary+jig


This is the one I was looking for.


11-09-2014, 02:48 PM
Glad you found in the section I posted..