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Thread: Accidentally hit switch at 95% complete

  1. #1

    Default Accidentally hit switch at 95% complete

    I was vacuuming around the machine and accidentally hit the on/off switch- how can I get it to resume carving?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Somebody else might prove me wrong, hopefully...... but I don't think you can resume after powering down.

    Justin Pierce, aka spalted
    *Pattern Editor (Probe) * Centerline * Dxf Import * STL Importer * Version 3 Standalone * Advanced 3D * Advanced 2D * Conforming Vectors * Rotary *C Machine *Rock Chuck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Northern Colorado


    An ah sh*t moment for sure, been there done that. You can not resume the carving but you can recover it.

    Draw a rectangle over the area that has been carved but leave the rectangle just a bit short of where it stopped. Make the rectangle a carve region with a zero 0.000 carving depth. This will hide what has been carved. Resave/rename the project and upload it to the card. You will get a warning about the zero depth carve region, ignore/continue the upload.

    You will need to put some masking tape on your board to fool the board sensor so that it thinks it is reading the top surface of the board. Usually just one or two strips across the width is all you need. If are following the 7" rule you should not need any on the length/end of the board.

    Place the board in the machine so that the taped part is under the truck/board sensor.

    Select your project and follow the normal prompts to start the carve. Pay special attention the the width and length measurements to verify that it is measuring the full width, comes back to the center of the board for the length measurement and goes to the ends of the board for the length measurement. When it is "finding surface" make sure it touches off on the top surface of the board and not down into a carved area.

    When it starts to carve the cutting head with dance around, pause and think for a short while but should start carving just prior to where it stopped.
    My patterns on the Depot
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    All patterns and projects that I share on the CarveWright forum are for your personal carving purpose. They are not to be shared, sold or posted on any other web site without permission from RingNeckBlues Designs.

  4. #4


    Thanks - I’ll give it a try.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern Utah


    I would be careful and not vacuum during a carve. A vacuum causes static electricity and can cause some strange things to to happen to your machine. The worst of which could be damage to the circuitry.
    Last edited by Deolman; 11-04-2019 at 11:48 AM. Reason: Typo repair

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