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OK... You are making progress....
Reading back in your older posts I see this is a "B" Series machine. So no posts about the possibility of you having a 18 pin FFC Cable... It should be a 14 pin cable... ( Never mix 14 and 18 pin parts as it will short out the computer ).
First step in troubleshooting....
1. Manually move the head UP to the very top pin.
2. Call up Sensor Data and Z Data on the keypad and LCD.
3. Since the Encoder is a Counter, it just counts the pulses when the light is blocked. See Picture. The black lines or SHADOWS in Picture 1.
4. Counter for the Z Data should be 0000 to start. Now move the head down slowly. IF the FCC Cable was properly installed the counter will change. 0001, 0002, 0003, or 9999, 9998, 9997, counting down with every pulse.
5. If this worked you should be able to return to the top pin and the reading will return to 0000. This method can be used to test for a bad FFC Cable by moving the truck up and down while moving the FFC Cable gently looking for a break in the wires.
6. This check of the FFC Cable only checks the ENCODER DATA from the end of the Servo Motor.
7. This Does NOT check for broken wires to the POWER to the SERVO Motor.
8. IF you got a 0000 and movement of the truck did not change the reading from 0000 then it is possible you installed the FFC Cable in with the Contacts facing AWAY from the pins on the jacks. The FFC Cable only has contacts on ONE SIDE and the cable CAN be installed with the contacts facing AWAY from the pins... YES, I did it once.... So I know to look for it...
9. IF the Encoder Data IS GOOD and the motor still does not work.... It could be a bad motor. I think I saw where you plugged the Z motor into the Y Motor Jack... Confused on what you did on that and what you saw. Can you clarify... You CAN put the Z Motor and Gearbox in the Y Place to test the motor. This would tell you if the Z Motor is GOOD or BAD. DO a Y Motor Test.
10. So that leaves us with the FFC Cable properly installed or a BLOWN Z Driver on the CW Computer.... Very UN Common... Likely a cable problem. See picture 3 and 4. Three Servo Drivers.
Good Luck...