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Thread: Scan probe very aggressive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Poway, CA

    Default Scan probe very aggressive

    I received my new scanning probe a few days ago, got a sled made and scanned a couple simple items just to see how it worked. I was a bit surprised at how aggressive this scanner is. It goes to town like a little jackhammer and I was really anticipating it to be a somewhat delicate operation. The first thing I scanned was a brand new quarter and when it was done it looked like I took some 80 grit sandpaper to it. I next tried one of the kids plastic hamburger buns since I figured no harm in scratching it and sure enough it scratched that pretty well too. I can't imagine putting anything under this scanner that I want unharmed. I will order a set of the protective tips but they don't look like they will maintain the promised accuracy of the probe. I've also seen posts showing folks using the model glue tips but they look pretty wide and blunt as well. Any experience on the resolution achievable with the protective tips? I guess I will need to create a mold and plaster replicas of anything I want to scan with fine detail. It really would have made sense for the firmware to give the user an option to slow this thing down for delicate surfaces at the expense of longer scanning times.

    Also, the plastic bun seemed to give the probe problems. Not sure if it was the steep sides. Overall the item is about an inch high. The scanning stopped maybe 10 times during the scan and gave the message "check probe". If I wiggled the probe a little and hit enter it would go back to scanning. Most of the time it seemed to do this when going up the sides or near the middle. It also periodically paused like it was going to stop but only raised the probe up to the top in the z-direction before going back down and continuing.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails sccreenshot.png   2014-03-12 22.01.34.jpg   2014-03-16 15.36.01.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Northern Colorado


    What quality setting were you scanning these at? Just like carving you do have several quality setting for scanning, the lower the setting the faster the truck will move and the step over rate is larger. The default is normal and if you use the arrow button you can select different options depending on the detail of the object you are scanning. For your bun I would probably go with the normal or maybe best as it have very little detail. For the quarter I would of used the highest setting.

    I thought the same thing about the protective tips distorting the detail but found that in most cases it did not.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I did normal on the bun and highest for the quarter. The quarter did not work well as the detail is too fine for the probe to detect. It just scanned like a flat disc. The quality settings did not change the speed that the truck moved in the z direction or how hard the probe hits the target. It only changed the step size in x and y. The scratches are the same, just spaced further apart.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Saginaw, Texas


    Scanning Probe tips

    If you don't have these get some- here is the link

    You can also use glue tips as an alternative -

    This should eliminate the scratches

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Augusta, NJ


    Curious...what software version and machine are you using? I've scanned many, many things including coins and delicate jewelry and never saw the items "scratched" at all. Never used any plastic tips either. Something has to be wrong I'd think. Now I'm using the original machine (A .. I guess?) original chuck and the 1.8 software. If this is a result from all the "newer" stuff, I'll never upgrade.
    Christopher Neil Albrecht
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    Ver. 1.187 on XP Pro Desktop
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Poway, CA


    I'm using 1.187 and have a version A machine. I've got a set of the probe tip covers and have done one scan since. The probe tip covers as shipped slid too far up they probe and interfered with they probe operation. I had to sand down the top until it allowed the probe to make its full range of motion. I'm still very unimpressed with the overall product performance. I can't get through with a single scan without the machine stopping multiple times with a check probe error. If I wiggle the probe and hit enter it continues on with the scan. But I have to sit and babysit the machine otherwise I can't finish a scan. Definitely disappointed. I've been too busy to get around to calling LHR and see if there's anything they can do but will before the warranty expires. At least I'm getting some use out of the pattern editing software.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Augusta, NJ


    We have the same setup then. Apologies for above, I meant the 1.187 version not 1.8.. .lol
    Yeah I would definitely call them. I have to say I simply love the probe and the way it scans. No tips, great detail, never harmed the object being scanned and I set it and forget it until done. Hmmm...curious.
    Christopher Neil Albrecht
    Occasional Carvings
    Just A Flowing With The Grain

    Ver. 1.187 on XP Pro Desktop
    Ver. 1.187 on Win. 7/64 Laptop

    Patterns At The Depot

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I have never had scratches from scanning, but at the moment I am scanning a couple of borrowed humming birds, so I am using some glue tips I got a while back. Haven used them before so I don't know how it will come out.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I've scanned several objects of different materials and my probe is aggressive as well. I haven't tried plastic tips yet but plan to...the probe metal tip on mine leaves most materials looking like it was attacked with a tattoo gun. Wood finishes are picked off, plaster casts are left with rows of dot patterns across them and any material not hard steel or stone are degraded by the probe. I usually use the pattern editor to smooth the scans anyway so the carving is not particularly effected, but I could be loosing fine detail. I thought it was the nature of the beast but maybe some are more aggressive than others???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Northern Utah

    Default Scan probe very aggressive

    I've only used our probe once and had no scratching and the detail of the scanned item was well preserved on the scan.

    Machine is a "A" model with the 14 pin update. We have since updated to a carvetight chuck but haven't used the probe with the new chuck.
    Sometimes I'm just totally underwhelmed!
    Series "A" Craftsman with Carvetight.

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