Well I messed around with the head last night till about midnight. Finally got both sides level and very lightly cranked it down. It did slip once but got it pretty tight. But I also couldn't get it to rachet.

Tried running the project I stored on the card. It measured left to right and then end to the back to measure the length. When it got to the back it just sat there and shimmied back and forth and then I got a Zbundle error. Being new I expect it something I am doing wong.

While I was up I wanted to check out some other things on the key board. I checked the sensor with a white peice of paper, 143 is the highest I could get but it returned to O fast.

Next I checked the rollers, Both rollers on the near side (keyboard) checked out okay. With a little pressure it compressed and released fine. The back side both rollers won't do anything. Reguardless of the pressure it wouldn't compress. I did hear the micro switches on the near rollers but could get nothing on the far ones.

So right now with all the problem I have had I think I am going to take it back and reorder a new one the next day, I think.

There are a couple of problems with returning it. (1) the sales is over and I might have to pay full price. (2) I am concerned about not getting my 5 year warranty plan refunded. If this happens it could be a $500-600 loss.

But I just can't see having these 2-3 problems on a new out of the box machine. I know some are going to say do the fixes on it and have a working machine. Well theres no guarantee that there is something else wornf after I get these fixes done.

Let you all know what comes of it. I ain't giving up on this carving machine yet, Just this particular machine I think.