After finally getting the rollers to compress now I am having problems with the chuck.

It seems to not want to "****" after removing one bit in order to replace it with another. Nor does it fully relaease the bit very easily.

I have tried to "milk" it, use 3 in 1 oil, tap on it with a screw driver, clean out the chuck width a scribe and mirror, and used compressed air a combination of all of these seem to work but it happens on every bit change and it is taking me about 30 minutes to change one bit (this includes even the bit changes when the cc is cycling thru all the bits one might need for a single project, therefore I dont think that espansion from heat build up is a factor).

I just ordered the probe and would like to get this issue fixed or the chuck replaced, so that I can use it.

If the chuck needs to be replaced is it a REAL involved process?

