I am a brain injured veteran in much need of help before I absolutely lose it!!!
Hello, this is my 2nd carvewright machine but never had these problems. When I initially got this machine I kept having clear board sensor problems, sometimes itd work, most times it wouldn't. Carvewright techs and engineers always said it was sawdust in sensor to blow it out with compressed air. I do have a vacuum system hooked up that does a great job collecting the dust. Blowing the sensors seemed to work about half the time. I finally just broke down and bought a new sensor with about 120 hours on machine. Still same problem and CW techs still insisted it was sawdust in sensor. The new Sensor has sawdust in it? Anyway after challenging them angrily they finally told me to check the harness going to backside of circuit board. Sure enough a wire was loose just barely touching the contact in the white connector. Now with the harness replaced, I start the machine, select the project, say no to stay under rollers, then the truck moves about an inch to the left to home but then takes a dive right into the board. Sometimes it will go through the homing process but never make contact with the flip lever on right side of machine to measure drill bit, instead it will go all the way to it and right before it clicks it, it returns back toward the homing position toward the left of the machine and then the z truck takes a dive ramming the drill bit into the board. Has anyone else had such a problem, theres no motor wires, sawdust or anything obstructing the z truck on the rails on right side of machine, changed out circuit board behind z truck when I changed the clear board sensor harness. Checked all wires to ensure everything is pushed in all the way in circuit board. Don't know why its not making contact to flip out the plate to measure drill bit and don't know why the z truck takes a dive with the drill bit into the board and happens sometimes at start of homing after selecting project and sometimes going toward the plate that flips out and sometimes on the way back. Also, while the one of the wires on the clear board sensor harness was loose going into the circuit board, it messed up 2 of my memory cards to where there is just blocks across the screen nothing else.
Any help is much appreciated.