Hello. I know this may sound elementary but I'm drawing a blank. I was just contacted by a business owner in Arizona who would like me to bid for a project. He's deals with plants and doing a design where he needs 200 signs. all of the 3x10 with a routed out groove on the back to attach a metal stake which will be flush to the sign. I made a template for one sign with both centerline letters and raster so he can choose one.
Making each individual sign is fine but Im drawing a blank on how to make multiple signs on a larger board lets say a 10X30or even larger 10X60. that size doesn't actually matter Im just trying to figure out how to do as many as I can on a single board so I can save on materials. I would hate to have to carve 200 17x4 boards if I don't have to.
I may have to board size listed backwards if I do I apologize.

Thank you