So this "sounds" like what I've been waiting for but I am hoping that there will be some videos possibly posted over the next few weeks addressing exactly how it works and doesn't work... Reading the new 3.0 manual that Connie posted, it sounds like the vector files have be drawn in a very strictly formatted way in order for the importing to work. This just makes me a bit curious as to exactly what this means and what I need to do with existing vector art which has worked fine for font/centerline importing up to this point.

Maybe the videos can address what types of issues with vector drawings would cause designer to not allow the vector grouping option to work.

I am also gathering that the DXF importing feature has to be license for all of this to come together, right?

I'm sure all of this is going to be addressed so forgive me... i've been holding my breath for a few years on this feature so I am gasping a bit at the moment