I know this is way off topic, but I wanted to share some information that I wish someone had shared with me.

A couple years ago my chronic back condition finally got to the point that I couldn't work any longer. I had a 4 level fusion that only made things worse. I had disability insurance through my employer and went on the long term type. They gave me a decent sum of money, barely enough to get by but i made it work. They basically said I had to apply for Social Security Disability and they had a lawyer that would help, free of charge to me (yeah right). So after a year and a half and one appeal I got approved for SSDI.

They gave me my back payment money, minus the $6 grand for the lawyers fee (remember it was supposed to be free to me?!?). Three weeks after I get the money, I find out that the disability insurance company wants me to pay them back for "over payments" which is $5 grand MORE than what disability gave me for my back payments. I had already spent most of the money, I had bills, who wouldn't pay bills if they get money right?

Point is, I thought insurance was something you paid premiums for so that when you needed it, it would be there. What happened to all that money I gave them all those years?? Basically Social Security is set up so that it helps everyone but the disabled person. Lawyers, Insurance companies get their hands on every penny they can because they have found the holes in the system, and the government just lets it happen. No wonder it's running out of money... that and paying people who aren't really disabled, just too lazy to work and there are lawyers and doctors that will say they can't work so they can get paid.

Just wanted to share in case anyone else gets in the same situation, remember it's not disability insurance... just a loan.