I am trying to do a standard machining technique to get a smooth finish pass.
- Cut path "A" is a step cut with a max pass depth of 0.070". Material is 3/8" polycarbonate. Inset = 0.000"
- For cut path "B", I am copying and pasting cut path "A" on top of itself (with a new name). Then I turn OFF max pass depth so it cuts all the way through. I also set Inset = 0.015" to try and get a nice skim cut that gives a fine edge.
Here is the problem: when I do this, the machine cuts "B" first even though it is second in the carvings list. So, I did it again but first changed the order of the cut paths in the carving list. Same thing happended.
Dos anyone know how to take control of the order of the cut paths so I can do the step cuts first and then come back with the finish pass?