Hi Everyone,
Is it just me or does someone else out there think we have spent a lot of money for something that works for a few hours then quits? What makes it worse is trying to find support. I had to try three times to get an activation email with 3 different names. Ok, so I will admit that this unit does good work but after only 9 hours of carving and all the trouble I have had it seems as though this machine is way too tempermental.

I have fixed the homing error by blowing out the sensor on the truck. It starts to carve now but is eratic (not carving straight across) and the truck does not seem loose. Then suddenly the bit dives hard into the piece (z axis stall error 246). I have seen other posts with this problem. Some read that this is a z-truck problem and it needs to be replaced.

The machine has also thrown a y axis error at me several times.

So where do I find the number to call to get assistance?

I spend more time trying to keep this machine running than I do using it.