Quote Originally Posted by jpaluck View Post
Looks awsome MT..I know you know about the sculpting peice..hardest part. I remember the one did of Lincoln..that one look great also
Thank you, John. I actually forgot about the Lincoln penny until you brought it up! I used ArtCAM for that one, but it's the same procedure as Aspire - bring in the photo, add some relief shapes underneath it here and there, then sculpt overall by hand 'til it looks reasonable. It can be challenging, but usually rewarding in the end! Your skill with Z-Brush is impressive, to say the least, and it looks like you are enjoying working with it!

I'm actually doing some more challenging 'human' sculpts for another forum member (Frederick), although I think he's probably wondering what's taking me so blasted long (trying to fit it in between everything else goin' on!). I can't wait to finish at least one of them - keep jumping around, on this one then that one....