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Thread: Designer 4 Released

  1. #1

    Default Designer 4 Released

    Announcing the all new CarveWright Designer 4.
    Completely redesigned to bring more power, more ease-of-use, and more features than ever before.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    White, GA


    Is there a way to upgrade for existing customers, or is the only option to purchase the new version? I haven't seen an obvious pathway for upgrading... but perhaps I just missed it.

  3. #3


    I have a similar question. I already have ver. 3.106 with several add-ons (probe, rotary, centerline, dxf import, etc.). If I got ver. 4, would my add-ons still be licensed? Would I have to purchase them all over again?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    The Great Texas Gulf Coast


    You DO NOT have to repurchase the add-ons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    I have a similar question. I already have ver. 3.106 with several add-ons (probe, rotary, centerline, dxf import, etc.). If I got ver. 4, would my add-ons still be licensed? Would I have to purchase them all over again?
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Great Texas Gulf Coast


    Unless, you purchased within the last year, the cost is $399.99.

    Quote Originally Posted by SawdustSteve View Post
    Is there a way to upgrade for existing customers, or is the only option to purchase the new version? I haven't seen an obvious pathway for upgrading... but perhaps I just missed it.
    CarveWright CX Packaged System - starting at $2000
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    New Orleans, LA


    I have designer 3 and almost every add-on option besides Sculptor. What are some key differences between designer 3 to designer 4? I’m interested in upgrading but outside of having a newer version I didn’t find any chart or explanation on the differences and selling points for upgrading. What am I getting for $399 when upgrading from 3 to 4?
    "The secret to getting ahead is getting started." -Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    The Great Texas Gulf Coast


    ### (IV) Release Notes ############################

    25 Aug 2021 - Designer 4.001
    * Fixed issue where Conforming Vectors was not activated with appropriate licenses.
    * Message popups for missing fonts are now handled better.
    * Fixed issue affecting where add/remove vertex breaks a vector figure.

    17 Aug 2021 - Designer 4.000

    * Upgraded to be 64 bit.
    * The new user interface has been organized to group functions and tools more
    logically for easier navigation.
    * New larger and clearer icons
    * Import STL Pattern - Import STL CNC files without the need to purchase a
    separate program. (not for slicing)
    * Automatic project crash recovery (autosave on crash)
    * New easy licensing system. Log in and your computer is automatically
    registered. Your Pattern Depot purchases can be installed with a button and
    you never have to call in to release a computer. It will require an internet
    connection when launching or once a day if left on to check in with our
    cloud server.
    * Integrated update system keeps Designer and Firmware up to date
    * Search the Pattern Depot right from your software. See thumbnail and drag to
    your board to try patterns instantly. Double click and get a popup with
    pricing and a link to the store.
    * Import Image now has a smoothing tool
    * Vectors can be rotated. Snap at 15 degrees by holding down the CTRL (Mac ⌘)
    * Updated OSX and Windows installers, Windows supports unattended
    * Registered Installer Security Certificates
    * Help links to CarveWright’s support site
    * Favorites database renamed to My Patterns and improved for faster loading
    * Reworked Merge Subtractive to make it work in absolutes
    * Added new merge style: Merge Additive Absolute

    Vcarve Suite
    * Combining Centerline Text, Conforming Vectors, and Vector Group into one new
    * New Edit Outline Tool - Turn an outlined pattern into an editable vector.
    This is particularly good for outlining logos or other imported graphics and
    turning them into Vector Groups for V-carving. This is part of the new
    Vcarve Suite.
    * Vcarve Suite is free for customers with Designer 3 and Centerline text.

    Drawing Suite
    * Copy Offset Tool reworked, now called Copy Array

    Modeling Suite
    * Modeling tools rewritten to create smoother surfaces

    DXF Layout
    * DXF importer is now called DXF Layout to better describe its function.
    * Improved UI for simpler workflow

    STL Slicer (Designer version)
    * STL Importer is now called Slicer to better describe its function
    * Improved memory usage for larger file handling

    Sculptor (Designer Integration)
    * Edit any licensed Pattern in Sculptor (with Sculptor License). Double click
    on any licensed pattern from your pattern library and it will open in
    Sculptor. Sculptor will only allow saving back to the pattern library,
    keeping the integrity of the license intact.
    CarveWright CX Packaged System - starting at $2000
    CarversClub 1 Year Subscription - $150.00/year
    Adv. Support w/out CC membership - $25.00/issue
    CarveWright Community Forum - PRICELESS!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    St. Cloud, Mn


    I have centerline text and conforming vectors. How to get Edit outline tool without spending $199. Larry

  9. #9


    Vcarve Suite is free for customers with Designer 3 and Centerline text, how do I load it?

  10. Default

    Upgrade designer 3 to 4 provides new features such as enhanced AI Tool, Advanced Export Options, Better Performance and Additional Design Ability. If you often use advanced tasks, it is worth investing!Null's Brawl APk

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