Hope everyone is safe and enjoying a Happy Thanksgiving. So hopefully a big turkey and all the favorite side dishes with family, (few) friends and good libations.
From the Oscar Family.
Hope everyone is safe and enjoying a Happy Thanksgiving. So hopefully a big turkey and all the favorite side dishes with family, (few) friends and good libations.
From the Oscar Family.
Same to you Oscar and all of the Carvewright owners out there. Stay safe but most of all, enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner.
ver. 1.188 Win 7- 64b with 6 GB ram @ 2.8Ghz and dual 1Tb hard drives. Rock Chuck & Ringneck vacuum system hooked up to a Harbor Freight large vacuum. Center line text, conforming vectors.
Better late than never, hope you both had a great Thanksgiving.
Justin Pierce, aka spalted
*Pattern Editor (Probe) * Centerline * Dxf Import * STL Importer * Version 3 Standalone * Advanced 3D * Advanced 2D * Conforming Vectors * Rotary *C Machine *Rock Chuck
Better later than never, Happy Healthy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy the upcoming holidays!