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Thread: Trying to learn 3d & STL??

  1. Default Trying to learn 3d & STL??

    Hi All,

    I recently added the 3d and stl, I am now trying to learn what to do under the 3d and what to use stl importer for? I have a picture of a German Shepard face that I want to use. Does anyone have a tutorial I could follow? Or is there something I can read on this. Everyone has been so nice in helping me so once again I thank you all so very much. I am enclosing the photo that I am trying to use. I am not sure do I do 3d or stl first? I look forward to any help you can send my way.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Northern Colorado


    The STL importer is for importing already made 3D models into designer so that would not be your option on this.

    Here is some tutorials on the 3d modeling tools
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  3. Default

    Hi FW,

    Thank you clarifying what the stl does. I have bookmarked the tutorials. Thank you and Have a Great Day

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014



    The stl importer opens up an entire world of possible patterns. There are a bunch of websites that offer free stl models. It will take a little bit of practice to get the hang of how to use the importer. Not all 3d models make good cnc patterns.

    Also the most common 3d format is ".obj" so find a software package that can convert ".obj" to ".stl". I use blender but there are many programs that can do that.

    Here is a project to play with and practice. I reduced the geometry so I could upload on here but it's an stl object you can practice with. Its the rifle scope I just posted on the shared section. You will have to rotate it and bisect and slice to get a decent pattern from it using the stl importer.

    But you are not limited to getting the same pattern that I shared. You can try different angles and different slices to change the pattern profile.

    Just have fun and start seeing what is possible. It doesn't happen over night. I have been playing now for 5 years and I am still learning.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails rifle scope basic.png   CW rifle scope basic.png  
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Springtown, TX



    this will help if thats what you are wanting to do. there are others for stl importer and 3d suite

    A,B machines, PE,probe,conforming vectors, centerline, 2d,3d,stl and dfx imprt, rotary , 3.xx, Pattern Sculptor
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