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Thread: anatomy of the carve tight spindle

  1. Default

    this is ridiculous! It won't budge!! How in the world did this happen anyway?

    I watched a video of how to remove the spindle, and maybe I need to do that. Maybe it would be easier than working upside down. but I don't have the required flat wrench.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    You can take the y-truck off without the flat wrench and that will let you bring the y and z-trucks both out of the machine to give you more room.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Nuevo, CA


    Looks like the barrel rolled around so the paw? is hidden and the hidden part isn't. Take the Z truck off so you can work on it. Pull the screw almost all the way out and see if you can roll the barrel 180 deg.
    CarveWright StartU team member
    Web Site

  4. Default

    This is the clamping paw ...the most elusive animal on the internet .....I could not find a picture of it anywhere ...I dropped min in the machine and had to tear it half apart to find the paw .

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