We have opened our own ETSY shop
We make custom carved plaques, Wedding & Anniversary plaques are our favorites.
We have opened our own ETSY shop
We make custom carved plaques, Wedding & Anniversary plaques are our favorites.
Really nice, I hope you do well. Don't forget to put your shop and facebook on your signature for all the forums you take part in.
Very nice work...........hope you make lots of sales!
Well done, rmock. Nice variety and very classy looking. I hope you do very well with it....
Facebook Page: click FB button on web page
Bessemer, MI (shop location)
Lake Gogebic, MI (where I hang my hat)
"He who wants by the yard, but gives by the inch, should be kicked by the foot"...
Thanks for the replies, My wife (Cheryl ) and I have had our Carvewrights for a couple years now. We appreciate all the support here on the forum and all of the help.
Very nice pieces. I'd be changing double your prices.
I agree, double your prices... Excellent work....
Nice collection of signs...
Favorite Saying.... "It's ALL About the Brass Roller"..... And "Use MASKING TAPE" for board skipping in the X or breaking bits.
Follow ME on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Accoun...50019051727074
Thanks Dick & Al, we went back and forth with pricing for a long time, we really want to keep our stuff affordable for most people, we live in the rust belt and it's been pretty depressed here for a long time now, if we can make something nice for people and enjoy doing it then we have reached our goals
I agree you should keep your pricing affordable. You have to make a choice... do you want to charge a lot and get a few orders or make it affordable and get a lot of orders. Maybe it's just me, I have had my store on Etsy for several months now and have only gotten a few sales. Lots of "favorites", lots of views but few sales. And my stuff is very affordable. I go to craft shows and get plenty of orders... people love my stuff and I do good work. I don't make a killing on anything but I make some. Most of all I am getting my name out there. People ask on Facebook in the local trading pages who does woodworking and I get recommended all the time. That to me is worth making less profit. As I get more established I can gently bump up my pricing and people will pay it. Basically for me, I want to have the work. Since I'm disabled and this is all I can do, I want to have something to do the few hours a day that I am able to work. The appreciation of the person when I deliver something that is above their expectation is my additional profit. Just my opinion, I got one like everyoneKeep that sawdust flying, you are doing great work!
Kansas Wood Shop
Disabled Veteran owned and operated
Visit www.kansaswood.com
A machine with rock, CS machine, Designer 3, centerline, conforming vectors
Thanks for your input, keep at the ETSY site it just takes time. We do facebook also, we are just now starting to get more local orders, took about 6 months of putting posts out there.