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Thread: cut path problems

  1. #1

    Default cut path problems

    I'm confused about cut path. I am using Designer 1.187 .

    If I create a shape with the rectangle tool or circle tool or create a closed shape all at one time with the spine tool, the cut path icon becomes active.

    But if I create a closed square with the line tool, making sure that all corners are joined, the cut path tool is not active. Also, if I create a closed shape with the spline tool but make it from several splines joined together, the cut path icon is also not active.

    Also, the flip tool does not work.

    It seems like after fooling with a lot of things I did manage to activate the cut path icon.

    What am I missing? How can I get these shapes to activate the cut path icon?

  2. Default

    Even though it may appear the line segments are attached together, some probably are not. Use toggle non end points to see which are not then click on them and attach them. You can tell if they are attached if the red * shows up.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by gregsolano View Post
    Even though it may appear the line segments are attached together, some probably are not. Use toggle non end points to see which are not then click on them and attach them. You can tell if they are attached if the red * shows up.
    Nope. Already did that. Every vertex is joined with a red cross. I zoom in all the way to confirm. No doubt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Vancouver Island


    Did you try the toggle non end points under the view menu? (or Crtl+E) That is the only way to know for sure.

  5. #5


    Hmmm. Looks like it's very sensitive. If I go to each intersection and left click on it, maybe move it a little, I find one where the red x comes back. Then the cut path icon becomes active.

    Isn't there a better way to make sure all intersections are joined other than going to every one and playing with the vertexes? Seems like it should work like the DXF editor. Select the whole shape then click on a button to connect all intersections.

    And the shape I really want has maybe a dozen vertexes, and I have done exactly like above, but obviously not all get joined and there is no way to tell which ones.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Vancouver Island


    If you use snap to grid, it is easier to connect the vertices since they snap on top of each other. The toggle non end points will show which ones are not connected. When they connect, they disappear.

  7. #7
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    Good answer bergerud! Askbud gave me the same answer. My question was, "well what if I don't want it there?" He told me to draw it as close as I can with snp on... then turn it off and move them wherever I like! RIP bud!
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Cornwall, Ontario, Canada


    I've had that same problem in the past and the only way for me for the cutpath tool to be active is to save the project, close the program and restart. For some reason the cutpath tool becomes available. I usually get this problem with triangles.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Vancouver Island


    Quote Originally Posted by zan29 View Post
    I've had that same problem in the past and the only way for me for the cutpath tool to be active is to save the project, close the program and restart. For some reason the cutpath tool becomes available. I usually get this problem with triangles.
    Are you saying that the points are all connected (toggle non endpoints shows no end points) and yet the cut path does not light up until you reopen the file? Do you draw them with the snap to grid on?

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