Having trouble with getting good info on the three pro's and con's. Called Minwax today and they were helpful if I was going to finish my kitchen floors but not so helpful for signs. I wanted to know what you guys were doing for finishes on pine and cedar. I'd love to work with better woods like some of you guys but the customers don't want to pay. I tried maple and red oak and my competition keeps pounding away with the pine signs. They honestly look like a three year old made them (his, not mine I hope) but his prices are so cheap. I've been holding my own with the pine signs but I just wanted to jazz up my finishes. Here comes the "catch" I have a one week turn around with all of my signs, so speed is something to be considered. I have been on youtube and it would be great to make the bench and spend the next three weeks finishing it but I don't have the luxury. I have leaned toward the water vs oil based just for the turn around factor. Any input? I do mostly V-Carve and Raster signs. I'm at about a 60/40 mix for indoor vs outdoor signs. I think I want to concentrate on the classier indoor signs since my competitor concentrates on the outdoor camp style signs. Again a nice maple would be great vs pine but I sell my products in a town called "Cheapsville USA"