1st Place - $1000 Gift Certificate - Dick Bipes' "Synchronicity Clock"
2nd Place - $500 Gift Certificate - Roger Tierman "Butternut Slab"
3rd Place - $300 Gift Certificate - Floyd Harris "Gone Fishing"
4th Place - $25 Gift Certificate - Robert Dages "Only Begotten Son"
5th Place - $25 Gift Certificate - James Uroda "Belt Buckle"
6th Place - $25 Gift Certificate - Lawrence Richards "Eagle Plaque"
7th Place - $25 Gift Certificate - Lee Stackable "Cameo Wall Art"
8th Place - $25 Gift Certificate - Sharon Berrum "Fairy House"
Special thanks to additional entries that received $10 Gift Certificate (in alphabetical order):
John Allen - "Wheelock Texas Sign"
William Crone - "Beverage / Pen Holder"
Clinton Stoutenburgh - "Folding Book Stand"