I'm courious as to how you get the status que on the forum you have the junior member, members, senior members, and the carvewright staff. As you see I have nothing better to do than think of other than stupid stuff....lol
I'm courious as to how you get the status que on the forum you have the junior member, members, senior members, and the carvewright staff. As you see I have nothing better to do than think of other than stupid stuff....lol
# of posts determine statuses except staff of course. We also have In Memorium (way too many)
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It's junior up to 500 posts, then member to 1000, then senior.
Ha!...that's what I thought...It's who flaps their yap the most....just kidding...our senior members have helped me many times with advice and information I would be sunk without. Hats off to our senior members who are willing to take the time to listen to our woes and offer advice from their experience. THANKS!
I've only been here for 7 years. At this rate I will be 98 when I get senior member lol![]()
I noticed the same thing aokweld101, wondered about the same thing, but with the forum being like family and getting to know everyone and asking questions it doesn't take long before you're number of posts add up. It's kinda like being a motor mouth on our forum, but in a good way. This is the best bunch of guys who will help you in any way possible. Again my thanks to every ones help.
ver. 1.188 Win 7- 64b with 6 GB ram @ 2.8Ghz and dual 1Tb hard drives. Rock Chuck & Ringneck vacuum system hooked up to a Harbor Freight large vacuum. Center line text, conforming vectors.
I'm with you Peep. I don't think member status is indicative of experience level. Many post messages just to boost their status.