I'm trying to make a shelf with two carve regions in the same area one I want to make a depth of .2 on the main part the other region at .375 on the circles how do I get the region at .375
I'm trying to make a shelf with two carve regions in the same area one I want to make a depth of .2 on the main part the other region at .375 on the circles how do I get the region at .375
thank you, I knew I needed the merge button but did'nt know to add or subtrack and did'nt even think of the invert button, i got it to raise but could'nt get it to go down deeper in the wood ...again thank you ...
It might be better to use the drill tool instead. Just a suggestion.
I have one more question for this project and that is what bit to use on the larger carve region...
A rastered Carve Region will always use the Carving Bit chosen for the project. Of course you already know the default carving bit is the 1/16" Tapered Ballnose (carving bit choices are called the "Pattern Bit" and are chosen via the project setup menu). If the only carving bit you own is the 1/16" Tapered Carving Bit, then that's the bit you will use. If you own the 1/8" BALLNOSE or the 3/16" BALLNOSE, you have the option to globally select either of those as your "Pattern Bit". You cannot mix-n-match different carving bits within the same project, at this time.
Michael T
Happy Carving!
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will I be able to do the 1/16 carving bit, 1/8 cutting bit and 3/16 ballnose all in this one project or only use two bits..
You can use as many bits as you want in a project. You can only, however, choose one to be the pattern bit. All patterns will be carved with whatever bit you choose as the pattern bit in board settings (the default is 1/16 Ballnose). So that really means you can only have one carving bit per project. All the other bits would be vector bits for cutting, or drilling, or routing.
Raster carves will have the same taper on the side walls as the carving bit. The advantage of using the drill tool inside the carve region is that it will give you straight side walls.
I made a couple tutorial videos on this subject. Here is the link to both videos:
Michael T
Happy Carving!
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