News on Kenm810...
I would like to share some news on Kenm810. After communicating with him and asking his permission, I would like to inform everyone that Ken has pancreatic cancer and is receiving treatments for the disease. Ken was the first person that helped me when I bought my Compucarve,(Carvewright), in '07, first with building a downdraft cabinet, then with numerous problems with patterns. As any member whose been here for any length of time knows, Ken would help anyone with there problems. Now it's time for us as a community to step up and help, by sending a prayer to Ken and his family for a speedy recovery.
3D Pro Ver. 3.103 Build 14, STL & DXF Importer, Rotary, Conforming Vectors, Centerline- Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T6500 @ 2.10GHz 4GB Ram 64 bit Operating System using Windows 7