2 new shared patterns have been added to http://www.cncmodelclub.com
These are the star by Alan, and dog treat by Chief2007.
A new tutorial by Alan has been added.
2 new shared patterns have been added to http://www.cncmodelclub.com
These are the star by Alan, and dog treat by Chief2007.
A new tutorial by Alan has been added.
Last edited by eelamb; 11-19-2012 at 06:05 PM.
Using Designer 1.187, STL importer, Center line, conforming vectors, scanning probe/PE, and the ROCK chuck.
Love the dog prints on the dog bone Chief2007, thanks for sharing your creativity!
Tom Watson
Two CW's and D.C.-Top Mount Insert @ Ringneckblues.com Get the dust out!!
50" X 48" PDJ Pilot Pro CNC http://www.pdjinc.com
Check out my Facebook page for current carvings at http://www.facebook.com/signsinwood
Watsons Wooden Words http://www.signsinwood.com & Messages in Wood http://www.messagesinwood.com/
New patterns added to the http://www.cncmodelclub.com website. All were created in Oct 2010 using Silo3d and shared here at that time.
Last edited by eelamb; 11-25-2012 at 06:08 PM.
Using Designer 1.187, STL importer, Center line, conforming vectors, scanning probe/PE, and the ROCK chuck.
The website cncmodelclub.com will be going away soon. If you want something from it do it now. No new subscriptions are being approved, sorry.
Using Designer 1.187, STL importer, Center line, conforming vectors, scanning probe/PE, and the ROCK chuck.
Apparently they haven't been being approved for a while…………….
A,B machines, PE,probe,conforming vectors, centerline, 2d,3d,stl and dfx imprt, rotary , 3.xx, Pattern Sculptor
OS X Yosemite
Woodwork is what I do to pay for my tool addiction.
This is true, I was gone for awhile and when I got back, had well over 1000 to approve, with only about 1% being real people. I had to go through them one at a time to decide which ones were real, so I gave up. Spammers took over the request for access. I do not own the site only maintained the user list.
Using Designer 1.187, STL importer, Center line, conforming vectors, scanning probe/PE, and the ROCK chuck.
I have been too busy on the day job to keep up with the sign ups. I offered the site to a couple people so waiting on the first one to take me up on it. It's a wordpress platform and needs self hosting. It ranks well with google and yahoo...was kind of a fun experiment to build and play with seo but unfortunatly I have no time to watch the registrations and keep adding content
Well if we can't join, but you need to be a member to get anything, then it seems kind of pointless for those of us not already a member or something... right? Can certainly understand wanting to give it up though if so much spam. Hope someone can take it over, lots of good stuff there.
Kansas Wood Shop
Disabled Veteran owned and operated
Visit www.kansaswood.com
A machine with rock, CS machine, Designer 3, centerline, conforming vectors
I tried to join months and months ago and just figured I was denied or blackballed or something. Oh well. looks like its going away anyway.