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Thread: Import tracing image questions

  1. #1

    Default Import tracing image questions

    I tried to alter the board size after I had used the smart spline tool to trace an image and got the follwing error message " this board was constructed using import tracing image. No modications may be made." Is there a way around this or do I have to know for absolute certain what I want the final board size to be?

    I ran into another problem when I tried to create a pattern with the Make Pattern Tool after I had traced an imported image. I got an error message saying that somebody else owned part of my pattern and I wasn't allowed to make a pattern. The only elements involved were from the image that I traced & there was nothing else open.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thanks Doug

  2. #2


    You won't be able to re-size a board using trace image. When using the trace image tool for making patterns, it is best to import the image as large as you can. The largest dimension 14", the minimum will always be 6". The reason for this is to get the most resolution you can out of the pattern. When I am modeling with this tool, I will make a carve region the size of the board and set it the base level depth of the pattern I wish to make. This is almost always for me at .5". By designing at a large size with this depth, ensures I can get a pattern that will scale nicely. I then turn the perspective view off. This can be found under the view menu at the top. This keeps the lines from getting skewed by the perspective effect while you are tracing. Once I'm set up like this, I make sure the board is face on, no titling to it, and I start tracing around the shapes. Now with the base level set at .5" when I use my puffing tools or other modeling tools I set their depth to be .5" as well and work more like I am raising elements out of the board, rather than working down from the top of the board.

    As far as the Make pattern error message you are getting. This must be due to you having vector lines with no raster effects on them. These vector lines seem to be tripping up the make pattern right now and is something we are going to correct.

    Also, I apologize for the slowness of getting LHR tutorials out on these new tools. We are working on them and should have much more detailed videos out soon.

  3. #3


    Thanks - I will take the suggestions into account from now on. Doug

  4. #4
    RMarkey's Avatar
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    I wasn't allowed to make a pattern
    This bug has been fixed and will be in the next designer release.

  5. #5
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    Las Vegas NV


    Quote Originally Posted by Metallus View Post
    This bug has been fixed and will be in the next designer release.
    Any time frame on that
    Leo Davenport
    Enjoy Life Carve Something everyday

  6. #6
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    I sometimes get that depending on which font I use. I've "tricked" the bit when I had no other choice by putting a very thin piece of brass shim material on the area the I use for my "jog to touch" then removing it-- this creates a slightly shallower depth of centerline and seems to work (at times...)


  7. #7


    Ok, I am trying to use the import and trace, not doing too bad LOL, but running into some issues. Beside the fact that I can't seem to get the top rounded, I can't seem to figure out how to make the openings for the A and the O to become a carve region or drop the depth. Could use some help on this, thanks.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by andes View Post
    Ok, I am trying to use the import and trace, not doing too bad LOL, but running into some issues. Beside the fact that I can't seem to get the top rounded, I can't seem to figure out how to make the openings for the A and the O to become a carve region or drop the depth. Could use some help on this, thanks.
    As far as the A & O I would use the smart spine to trace and then you can cut them out. I'm not to sure what you are saying about round.
    Leo Davenport
    Enjoy Life Carve Something everyday

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by andes View Post
    Ok, I am trying to use the import and trace, not doing too bad LOL, but running into some issues. Beside the fact that I can't seem to get the top rounded, I can't seem to figure out how to make the openings for the A and the O to become a carve region or drop the depth. Could use some help on this, thanks.
    Here is a sample of the A & O
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    Leo Davenport
    Enjoy Life Carve Something everyday

  10. #10


    I don't want to cut that area out, I just want to drop it a bit, but if I can't figure it out I may have to cut it out. Oh about round, I was talking about how the top tip is not round like it's suppose to be, guess I don't have a steady enough hand yet.

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