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Thread: Why can't I use "cut path" on this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Boyertown, PA

    Default Why can't I use "cut path" on this

    I've been trying to cut out simple sayings and I can not use the cut path feature to finish my saying. I outline the word then use the cut path to get rid of the unwanted material; but when it comes to cutting inside a letter the cut path command only works on some of the letters. I made a simple "M" letter to show you what I mean. I outlined the entire project. Used the cut path feature for the outside but when I try to use cut path for the inside of the "M" it is not avaliable to use. Any ideas?Click image for larger version. 

Views:	29 
Size:	21.1 KB 
ID:	53332

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Whidbey Island, WA


    check that the vector is closed-- it almost never is the first time I do it... you really have to zoom in and check for the hashed red line.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Indian Lake, Ohio - Rts 33 & 235

    Default Cut paths

    Quote Originally Posted by KeystoneChuck View Post
    I've been trying to cut out simple sayings and I can not use the cut path feature to finish my saying. I outline the word then use the cut path to get rid of the unwanted material; but when it comes to cutting inside a letter the cut path command only works on some of the letters. I made a simple "M" letter to show you what I mean. I outlined the entire project. Used the cut path feature for the outside but when I try to use cut path for the inside of the "M" it is not avaliable to use. Any ideas?Click image for larger version. 

Views:	29 
Size:	21.1 KB 
ID:	53332
    Cut paths need to be "Closed figures" or a vector line that exits the design. We can "close" some figures by using the Option found in the VIEW Icon drop-down titled "Toggle Non-Endpoints". If your figure is too small for the Outline to close this section, you probably will need to draw another connected line figure to accomplish the task.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yellville, AR 72687-0652


    Quote Originally Posted by KeystoneChuck View Post
    I've been trying to cut out simple sayings and I can not use the cut path feature to finish my saying. I outline the word then use the cut path to get rid of the unwanted material; but when it comes to cutting inside a letter the cut path command only works on some of the letters. I made a simple "M" letter to show you what I mean. I outlined the entire project. Used the cut path feature for the outside but when I try to use cut path for the inside of the "M" it is not avaliable to use. Any ideas?Click image for larger version. 

Views:	29 
Size:	21.1 KB 
ID:	53332
    I have seen that several times the Outline function is drawing that in two to three lines, I think it is the sharp points in the image. I just redraw the line with the "Connected lines tool". You need a closed loop to use the "Cutpath tool"
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