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Thread: STL Software

  1. #1

    Default STL Software

    If i purchase the STL software will i be able use the probe to scan an object and import it in to the pattern editor and export it out as a STL file. Thanks Bert

  2. Default

    Yes you can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Indian Lake, Ohio - Rts 33 & 235

    Default Export to STL file

    As said before, Yes you will be able to export pattern editor as a STL file.
    Here is a link to the LHR tutorials on STL

    They show lots about using the STL modual. I don't recall where, but I think you see them do an export on one of the 4 lessons. Basically, as soon as you bring in the scan (if it's clean), you export it right then. You do not wait until you lower the depth to what is allowable for the carving of a standard pattern. What you're after is to use the total depth of your scan, and then use the STL mod to slice it into carvable pieces. This then allows you to then glue the pieces together like an Oreo cookie.
    AskBudClick image for larger version. 

Name:	Export Pattern Editor to STL file.JPG 
Views:	161 
Size:	108.3 KB 
ID:	50043
    Last edited by AskBud; 12-29-2011 at 09:57 PM. Reason: Picture added
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Southern Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by AskBud View Post
    As said before, Yes you will be able to export pattern editor as a STL file.
    Here is a link to the LHR tutorials on STL

    They show lots about using the STL modual. I don't recall where, but I think you see them do an export on one of the 4 lessons. Basically, as soon as you bring in the scan (if it's clean), you export it right then. You do not wait until you lower the depth to what is allowable for the carving of a standard pattern. What you're after is to use the total depth of your scan, and then use the STL mod to slice it into carvable pieces. This then allows you to then glue the pieces together like an Oreo cookie.
    AskBudClick image for larger version. 

Name:	Export Pattern Editor to STL file.JPG 
Views:	161 
Size:	108.3 KB 
ID:	50043
    I still do not understand if you can slice the model from top to bottom, rather than front to back. Example: I need to make a 3-D M1A2 Abrams Tank, seems like it would be impossible to start slicing from the barrell of the main gun.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Upstate NY USA


    Hi, In the one tutorial #4 of the car they show you where the rotate the slicing plane.
    So you can slice the model where you need to
    " The Hurdier I Go, The Behinder I Get"

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