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  1. Default

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Bonney Lake, Washington, United States, 113160055365328, Bonney Lake, Washington


    WOW this is a great looking site and so much there to help us. Nice job Jason and everyone else that helped out.
    This is a neat addition to the CW site. With both sites we can sure have a lot of resources now.
    Looking forward to the next Webinar Jason!
    Tom Watson
    Two CW's and D.C.-Top Mount Insert @ Get the dust out!!
    50" X 48" PDJ Pilot Pro CNC

    Check out my Facebook page for current carvings at

    Watsons Wooden Words & Messages in Wood

  3. Default

    Thank you Tom ... we are planning a few Webinars for the near future.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Indiana, PA


    Nice job! And congrats to all involved.
    Doug Fletcher

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Superior CO


    Nice looking store jason

    High Quality 3d Clip Art

  6. Default

    Thank you Doug and John ...

  7. Default Meet Stephen Allen

    We're 250+ patterns and counting ... offering PTNs, MPCs, Projects and STLs ... look for DXFs coming real soon.

    I want to welcome Mendi, Floyd, Stephen, Shane, John and Lawrence to the team ... look for lots of cool things to come.

    Visit our Artist Bio page to learn more about them ...

    Patterns By Stephen ...

    Stephen Allen, (Patterns by Stephen) is 31 years old and he is a fourth generation woodworker. He lives and works in a small town in Virginia and enjoys woodworking as a hobby. It all started when he was a kid living on a small farm property where “we didn’t want for nothing but we also didn’t have anything we didn’t need”. His father loved woodworking but never had the tools and shop he wished he could have had. Most tools were either handmade or bought at county auctions for next to nothing and needed to be repaired quite a bit before they could even be used. His father’s last project was to build a small workshop to have as his own. He intended to spend his time there enjoying his retirement sadly that project was never realized. Stephen now has a small but effective workshop in his basement and has all the tools that his father was not able to have. He didn’t want to have the same dream and never realize it.

    As a volunteer firefighter of 12 years for his local department he enjoys the ability to create wonderful art pieces in this chaotic world and gives him a place to be with his thoughts. Stephen likes to create custom projects for family, friends, and for sale. His CNC machine of choice is a CarveWright from LHR and it’s a favorite tool in the shop. He got into pattern creation to help compensate for the materials and consumables needed to make projects. “I really enjoy the world of CNC and I hope to one day have a larger system to enjoy just that much more. I hope you enjoy my work and if you are looking for something custom as in a pattern don’t hesitate to ask!”

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Bonney Lake, Washington, United States, 113160055365328, Bonney Lake, Washington


    You are lucky to have him part of the team! He is a true artist and adds his unique talent to this awesome site. Looking forward to seeing more of his work!
    Tom Watson
    Two CW's and D.C.-Top Mount Insert @ Get the dust out!!
    50" X 48" PDJ Pilot Pro CNC

    Check out my Facebook page for current carvings at

    Watsons Wooden Words & Messages in Wood

  9. Default

    Quickly expanding the Christmas selections at the Pattern Super Store and we are proud to announce that we have added the VectorClip3D Annual Subscription (3650) patterns and will soon be offering VectorClip3D DVD Pattern collections.

    Last edited by LittleRedWoodshop; 11-18-2011 at 12:16 AM.

  10. Default

    There are a lot of nice patterns here that are not available any where else!

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