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Thread: Thinking of buying a system...

  1. #1

    Default Thinking of buying a system...

    I'm a home/hobbiest "power-user". Been thinking of buying a CarveWright since I saw the Sears version many years ago. Lately, I've had to revisit this, as several "projects" I've been asked to do for friends have involved some custom sign making.

    However, I have to be honest, reading a lot of the reports/reviews on these units has me outright spooked. I don't mind dropping $4k (I'd buy the 'ultimate' package) for a new tool I'm going to get a lot of use out of, but after spending some time reading various reviews and "horror" stories from people on the 'net, I wonder if my $4k would be better spent somewhere else. Honestly, I've even been shocked by some of the treatment posters w/ problems have received in this forum.

    Now, I understand the concept of "garbage in/garbage out", and as a "hobbiest" and not a professional woodworker I understand that oftentimes people's problems are the result of their own doing, either thru ignorance, misunderstanding, or just plain stupidity. I also understand that the "squeeky wheel gets the grease", and generally the only time you hear someone complaining is when they have a complaint -- you rarely hear someone speaking up when they have heaps of praise to throw.

    For these reasons, I don't want to dismiss such a purchase outright, but I'm definitely skiddish and would like to assay my concerns if at all possible. I was wondering if there were any owners on this forum in Massachusetts (I'm south of Boston) who wouldn't mind me stopping over for an "in house" demo and some honest chit-chat about the units, their benefits, pitfalls, etc. If so, drop me a message... I'd love to see how this product works first-hand and get some honest feedback.
    Last edited by Tentpig; 10-24-2011 at 12:52 PM.

  2. #2


    As a person who has had MANY problems, I would like to say that is a good product. It can be frustrating learning how to work it, its limitations, and functionality. Once you get past the learning curve it does have a lot of potential. My first machine had a lot of problems because I did not buy new. Once I worked through them, and learned my machine, plus built up my confidence, it is great! It can be frustrating, but the guys on this forum are amazing and can and will walk you through everything you could need! LHR are constantly improving the system too, so it will only get better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Northern Utah


    Well I've got a refurbished "A" machine and it has had it's problems but all in all I really like it. I'm not sure what you mean about poor treatment of posters my problems and questions have always been met with courtesy and much patience. I think there have been some isolated cases where the poster may have been somewhat caustic with their posts and received the same in return but most posts/posters are very civil and helpful.

    Back to the machine I don't think you will find anything that will give you more bang for your buck. Is it a $15K CNC machine? No.

    Not sure what package you are looking at but we only use three or four bits. And we have the scanning probe and software along with centerline text.

    The next thing we will purchase will most likely be
    "conforming vectors"

    At some point we will invest in the import programs but it hasn't been a priority for us yet.
    Sometimes I'm just totally underwhelmed!
    Series "A" Craftsman with Carvetight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Punxsutawney Pa.


    If you are interested in checking out a machine click on the “START U “ tab on the home page and fill out the form. It looks like someone located near you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Nuevo, CA


    I agree, find a StartU member and have them give you a demonstration. The CarveWright is an amazing machine and the setup I would recoment would cost you $2235.92 dropped off at your door by UPS. I have that figure ready because I am doing the Southern Calif Woodworking show this weekend.
    CarveWright StartU team member
    Web Site

  6. Default

    I sent you a private message ...

  7. #7


    Thanks to everyone who responded. I did visit the StartU link and left my contact information; unfortunately at the moment the only person who is close to me is roughly 2 hours away in Connecticut.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    You could just post your Zip code or list your location in your header. I am 2 hours away..... from Connecticut... Depending on the Direction... You might find someone close that can share knowledge with... At one time I had at least 3 other machines near me.... now it is just me.... and MY 4 Machines... They all moved..... (Checking my Arm Pits.... LOL)

    ChrisAlb - Cross road trucking
    Port Jervis, NY - Moved to Fla and sold machine I believe.
    Chisel Me Timbers - Went out of Business - We once changed his machine belts in a Church Parkng Lot... Chris and I.....

    Favorite Saying.... "It's ALL About the Brass Roller"..... And "Use MASKING TAPE" for board skipping in the X or breaking bits.

    Follow ME on Facebook

  9. #9


    I'm just south of Boston, MA... PA is a bit of a day trip

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    North Central Ohio


    If you would like a good unbiased review of three desktop cnc routers including the Carvewright just click HERE. It will help you to make a more educated decision. Gook Luck
    Last edited by lynnfrwd; 11-03-2011 at 09:48 AM. Reason: added article to our website
    Gimme Steam.

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