How about just carving your litho in 1/2" thick stock?
How about just carving your litho in 1/2" thick stock?
Livin' Life
Lovin' My Carvewright
I did a few Like AL suggested
You can make an oversized Router Baseplate from a ½” Scrap Hardboard or ¼” Plexi,
I used one of my 1.5 HP Hand Routers to do the job on some 8”X10” and 10”x12” pieces of Artic White Corian,
and finished them off to ¼” with my 18” Sand-Flee Drum Sander.
Or I'm Pretty sure you can buy a over sized base at Peachtree or Rockler
Ver 1.182 on XL Pro plus Ver 1.164 and 1.175 on Windows 7 Ultimate
It Never Fails * Till * You Say It Never Fails
The router idea seems the best, thanks again to the best of the best on the carvewright forum!
I was thinking that i would of liked to add this information to the last tips and tricks.. Starting the pockets in the center with the cut moving out is way smoother and will reduce tension on the spindle making a beter cut overall...I recommend a slow feed rate and spiral out from the center if you can. This will reduce any cupping from tension release and heat.
I agree liquid, glad i posted this before i tried it, my 1/2 spiral upcut bit is much happier with the knowledge i should start n the center
jerry these look real nice......what settings depth an height
how many have you made and any problems with the machine
I shattered one of my blades on Corian after doing many miles of planing with it. It was because i started planing from an edge. Just don't start cutting from an edge.
Just my 2 cents, but how about selling the 1/2" and buy some 1/4" with the money?
May you be well, may you find happiness! : - )
"Exaggerated self-importance is deemed an individual fault, but a racial virtue." From Kelly Millar