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Thread: Workshops & Preliminary Agenda

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    The Great Texas Gulf Coast

    Default Workshops & Preliminary Agenda

    CarveWright Conference 2011 Agenda - Thursday May 12, 2011

    8:30 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast

    9:00 AM Welcome and Introduction

    10:00 AM Newbie Session: Project Designer Software Part I with Connie Ratisseau
    Carvoholic Session: P.E. with Coach Jeff Birt (Get into Shape with Pattern Editor)

    10:45 AM Break in Show & Tell Hall with Vendors

    11:15 AM Newbie Session: CW Machine & Accessories with Connie Ratisseau
    Carvoholic Session: Project Designer & 3rd Party Software with Michael Tyler

    12:00 PM Keynote Address Luncheon with Chris Lovchik, CEO & Co-Founder of LHR Technologies
    Italian Buffet Lunch

    1:15 PM Machine Preventative Maintenance, Troubleshooting & Basic Repair Part I with Chris Rawls

    2:45 PM Break in Show & Tell Hall with Vendors

    3:15 PM Machine Preventative Maintenance, Troubleshooting & Basic Repair Part II with Chris Rawls

    4:45 PM Travel to LHR Facility for Tour and BBQ in the Courtyard

    8:00 PM Optional Event: Kemah Boardwalk with "Rock the Dock"
    free live musical concert, shops, restaurants, bars, carnival games & rides.

    CarveWright Conference 2011 Agenda - Friday, May 13, 2011

    8:30 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast

    9:00 AM Newbie Session: Project Designer Software Part II with Joe Lovchik
    Carvoholic Session: Advanced Importing of DXF & STL with Michael Tyler

    10:00 AM Newbie Session: P.E. with Coach Jeff Birt (Get Started with Pattern Editor)
    Carvoholic Session: "I Didn't Know Designer Could Do That!" with Joe Lovchik

    10:45 PM Break in Show & Tell Hall with Vendors

    11:15 AM The Business of Carving with Jason Allen

    12:00 PM South of the Border Lunch Buffet

    1:15 PM Texturing & Dimensional Sign-making with Doug Haffner

    2:15 PM Various Non-Wood Materials with Jason Allen

    3:00 PM Break in Show & Tell Hall with Vendors

    3:30 PM Creative Finishing Techniques with Doug Haffner

    4:30 PM Question & Answer Session with LHR & Presenters

    7:30 PM Optional Event: "The Main Event"
    for bowling, pool tables, laser tag, games, cash bar & fun times.

    Transportation to LHR & Optional Events is not provided by LHR. If you need a ride, do not hesitate to ask! There are plenty of vehicles with extra seats so no one needs to be left behind.

    Most attendees selected a Combination of Workshop Levels, so we are trying to make sure everyone has an opportunity to get the information they need. Therefore, in the mornings, you can choose between Newbie or Carvoholic level workshops. We will then open the dividers for the rest of the days workshops, so everyone can be present. Room capacity for Newbie & Carvoholic workshops will be pretty evenly divided, so arrive early for the workshop that best fits your experience level.

    Show & Tell Hall:

    We will also have a separate location for our Show & Tell Projects, Vendor Tables, and CarveWright Store. Bring your projects along with a written description of how it was created or any other special information you wish to share. Don't forget to add your name & forum name, so we know who to pat on the back!

    Be sure to thank our Sponsors for helping us with this event!

    Special Conference Pricing will be available for attendees and some merchandise will be on hand.

    JOIN US at CarveWright Conference 2011

    This agenda is based on the current number of attendees, plus a few more. If we get a significant increase in attendees, we may need to expand into a third section and make amendments to this agenda to keep class sizes reasonable.

    We are currently just over 80 attendees and so excited about the response!! There is still room for more and hope you can make that last minute decision to join in the fun and sharing of such invaluable knowledge. Remember registration rate increases to $250 on May 1st. So REGISTER NOW!
    Last edited by lynnfrwd; 04-26-2011 at 05:38 PM. Reason: updating information
    CarveWright CX Packaged System - starting at $2000
    CarversClub 1 Year Subscription - $150.00/year
    Adv. Support w/out CC membership - $25.00/issue
    CarveWright Community Forum - PRICELESS!

  2. Default

    I can't wait ... so many things to learn, so many questions, so much fun.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Benton County, Missouri


    I guess for me the thing to do is wait till at least 20 folks have actually signed up. I see that there is NO refund if the show is cancelled by LHR. The $200 will be credited to you in the LHR account and not credited back to your credit card company. I didn't really like that, but guess that is the way it is now a days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Wylie, Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by Smoken D View Post
    I guess for me the thing to do is wait till at least 20 folks have actually signed up. I see that there is NO refund if the show is cancelled by LHR. The $200 will be credited to you in the LHR account and not credited back to your credit card company. I didn't really like that, but guess that is the way it is now a days.
    Is there a way to tell how many people have signed up?

    CarveWright START U Team Member
    Using 1.187, Conform, PE/Probe, Centerline.

    "Let's start sharing PTNs instead of MPCs so ALL SW versions can view & share"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Benton County, Missouri


    I guess wait till April sometime and call LHR and find out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Wylie, Tx


    I guess I'm kinda hesitant right now as well. I've got the funds to go, but I don't want to pay it all now and it cancels for some reason and all I get is a store credit instead of a full refund. I understand that there may be costs in trying to set it all up, but I have no control over that. I just really expected to get a full refund especially if it's no fault of mine for not attending. That may be why some people are just waiting it out. Even if 100 people signed up right now, that's 20k and to have all that as Store Credit? WoW... that's alot of store credit. Just sayin'.......

    CarveWright START U Team Member
    Using 1.187, Conform, PE/Probe, Centerline.

    "Let's start sharing PTNs instead of MPCs so ALL SW versions can view & share"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Brunswick, GA


    Hello All,

    The cancellation/ store credit policy originally posted regarding if the vendor (LHR) canceled was incorrect! I saw that and it puzzled me too, so I gave a quick call to LHR's Marketing Manager (Joe L.) to inquire about it. Turns out it was a copy/paste from another conference policy and the vendor cancellation policy wording was NOT intended by LHR at all.

    In other words, in the very unlikely event LHR had to cancel either due to an act of God, or lack of sign-up, or whatever, anyone who has signed up and paid in advance will receive a FULL REFUND (not a store credit). I hope this sets the record straight. Just an aside, when I first mentioned this to the Marketing Manager, he was caught totally by surprise too, and regarding the "store credit" issue stated, "That doesn't make sense". He made the correction while we were still on the phone together! Please see the following link to read the corrected wording:

    I anticipate a great turn out and am really looking forward to meeting as many "Carvaholics" as possible at this major event for CarveWright Users! The weather is going to be beautiful that time of year, so I'm told. Lots of neat things to do in the area, plus there will be a "field trip" opportunity to LHR Headquarters, which should be kind of fun too!
    Last edited by mtylerfl; 03-14-2011 at 04:28 PM.
    Michael T
    Happy Carving!

    ═══ Links to Patterns & Resources for CompuCarve™ & CarveWright™ ═══

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Wylie, Tx


    Thanks for passing on that information Michael. Sure makes me feel a whole lot better. I'm looking forward to meeting you and others there as well. Gonna be a great time by all I'm sure......... The conference is a couple of days before my birthday so my wife has given that to me as a gift. Come on... May 12 & 13th!

    CarveWright START U Team Member
    Using 1.187, Conform, PE/Probe, Centerline.

    "Let's start sharing PTNs instead of MPCs so ALL SW versions can view & share"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Conroe, Texas, United States


    I am really looking forward to meeting a lot of you fellow CW/CC carvers.

    May 12 & 13th will be a high point of this year for me I know.
    Happy Carving

    Robert D.

    CarveWright START U Team Member.

    The mightiest oak in the forest is just a little nut
    that held it's ground.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Benton County, Missouri


    Thanks for finding out Michael. I sure did not think that was a correct policy, but ya never know. Glad to get that straighten out. I kept trying to find this post for an update but was having a hard time locating it.

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