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Thread: Taken over my poppy carveing machine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Poplar Bluff, Missouri

    Default Taken over my poppy carveing machine

    My name is luke i am 14 I am lons grandson from San Diaego. My poppy is in the hospital. He is in a comma at this time and that is all we know. I am going to try to use his tools. My dad is going to afgan on th 22nd and myself, mom and little brother and sister are moving to Poplar Bluff, Missouri to live with my grandma and take care of my aunt kayleigh while my grandma is with my poppy. I will have many questions to ask. I have been reading through the forum and it is a good one. I will be using the name poppy because of my grandpa poppy. He is a good poppy. He has made me and my little brother all kinds of stuff with his carving machine. I hope to make poppy something special too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Northern Colorado



    Sorry to hear about Lon and do hope he can have a bounce back. Feel free to ask away on any issues/questions you might have.
    My patterns on the Depot
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    All patterns and projects that I share on the CarveWright forum are for your personal carving purpose. They are not to be shared, sold or posted on any other web site without permission from RingNeckBlues Designs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    The Great Texas Gulf Coast


    Young Poppy:

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa poppy! We all send prayers for your poppy and grandma. We wish strength for your mom as she cares for you all. Thanks to your dad as I know he hates to leave all of the ones he loves at such a time. I know you will be a great help and role model for your younger sister and brother.

    You, young man, will so honor your poppy by following in his path and love of woodworking. You will treasure the items he has made you for a lifetime as I know they were made with love.

    So many older men (and women) on this forum would love to have, if they don't already, someone to teach and pass on their passion. We all will do whatever we can to help you learn to love your poppy's CW and to excel at this craft we love. Being 14, you probably already have most of us beat on the computer side of it!

    Anytime you need help, you just let us know.

    God bless!
    CarveWright CX Packaged System - starting at $2000
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sacramento Ca


    Luke I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa and yes we are here to help in any way. I mean any way if you need to talk I am there anytime, if you need to talk PM and I will give you my phone number or e-mail. You can have your Dad or Mom call first if you like.

    We will all be there for you in help with the CW and if needed to lend an ear. You have the advantage you are young and will pick this up quick and before you know it we will be asking you questions!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007



    WELCOME to the Forum !!!! I am sorry to hear about Poppy's Condition, I last talked to him on Feb 10th and He mentioned that He had a Bad Infection and was at the VA Hospital. I was expecting another call that things were looking up. We all wish him well and a speedy recovery. Lon gave us the Key chain Font info that He mastered. As a Computer Guy Lon even changed the code and improved upon the Font. He is a very skilled Programmer and Woodworker. Lon Mastered the Key chain Cut Out by leaving a skin of wood at the bottom of the board to hold everything in place then sanded it off to release the little cut out pieces.

    Like many have said above, WE are here to HELP or just someone to Talk TO. I am a Retired Navy Guy and Lon and I shared a few stories.

    My Phone Number is located on the bottom of my Web pages along with my email. You can also PM anyone here too, We are here to Help.

    Thanks for the update on Lon, We all wish him a speedy recovery.

    Favorite Saying.... "It's ALL About the Brass Roller"..... And "Use MASKING TAPE" for board skipping in the X or breaking bits.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Snellville, GA


    Welcome to the Forum. Our prayers go out for your Poppy and your whole family. As said above we are all here to offer any assistance we can give you. Be strong for your Grandfather and make him as proud of you as you are of him.
    Fair winds,

    Capt Bruce
    Kinney deSigns
    CarveWright START U Team Member.

    30 year USN SEABEE, the original Weapons of Mass Construction.
    Designer Ver 1.187 and 2.007, Ver.3.001 One 2009 B CW w ROCK and a 5th Year Anniversary C CW
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Wylie, Tx


    Definately here to help in any way I can. Prayers out to your Poppy and thank your dad for me for his service to our country. I am sure that one day you will be helping many of us here with our Carvewright questions. Just have patience and you will make many beautiful projects with help from your new "extended" woodcrafting family here.

    CarveWright START U Team Member
    Using 1.187, Conform, PE/Probe, Centerline.

    "Let's start sharing PTNs instead of MPCs so ALL SW versions can view & share"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Poplar Bluff, Missouri


    My thanks to you all. As I was reading these replys aloud and you brought tears of happines to us all.
    AL You are the 1st number on my poppys help list - He gave me all his logins and passwords on the 10th when I last saw him. He has mension servral of you all. his was doing it by memory. It will be a few more weeks before I start with the CW. Poppy said this is "this best forum ever".

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern Utah


    Luke, we are all sorry to hear about your Poppy.

    I think it's great you are going to jump in where your Poppy left off. I would like to make a few suggestions. You are young and somewhat inexperienced. Because of this you need to slow down a little and think things thoroughly through before proceeding. Each day before you start, count your assets, such as two eyes, ten fingers, etc. Then remember that at the end of the day you want this entire inventory to be fully intact. It sounds like you will be doing a lot of your learning on your own and because of that you need to be extra careful in what you are doing. Working safe has to be a way of life and part of your thinking every minute you are working in the shop. Please remember that all power tools have no conscience of what they are cutting. Figure out if it is safe to be doing what you are about to do. If you question it even in the least, surely you can find a different way of doing it. Since you have access to the internet, please do some searching on safety. Let the internet be a partner to your safe working habits.

    Good luck to you and your endeavors.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008



    I'm very sorry to hear about Lon's condition. I have spoken to him many, many times over the phone. He is a great guy and you are very lucky to have him as a role model. From what it sounds like he is lucky to have an amazing grandson like you, too! My thoughts, best wishes and prayers go out to you all. If you ever have any problems with the machine or just want to ask some questions this forum is a great place to go or you can call me at Technical Support and I would be glad to help you over the phone too. Also like Deolman said above, and above all else, be SAFE when using those tools out there. Take care and God bless!

    Hardware Support

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