Might be a dumb question but I'm uncertain on what this software does. From what I have read it is for using vector letters? or can you import a vector image to carve?
Might be a dumb question but I'm uncertain on what this software does. From what I have read it is for using vector letters? or can you import a vector image to carve?
I should probably talk about the new Conform Vector feature in a Tips & Tricks...I've already had several calls from folks that are not clear on this feature.
In a nutshell, the primary reason why it was developed is to allow the user to perform Centerline Text (v-carving) within a recessed carve region (or domed/dished areas). (Of course, you must also own the Centerline feature for doing Centerline Text at all.)
You can do more with the Conform Vector feature, but the ability to do Centerline in a recessed (or domed/dished) region is WELL worth the price of admission alone, and is the main function that most folks will use.
Michael T
Happy Carving!
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Oh ok. I do have centerline text but don't see a real use for this for my situation. Now if you could import a vector image for example say of a flag and have it V carve the outline or stripes I would have bought this right away. Thanks for the response.
Hi Craig,
The DXF Importer is for that purpose. As long as you have the vector image in the dxf format, you import it into Designer (using the DXF Importer), then assign whatever bit(s) you like to the vectors. I use the DXF Importer a lot! I typically create my vector drawings in CorelDraw (saving/exporting as dxf), then import the dxf vectors into Designer using the DXF Importer. It's a very handy feature.
Michael T
Happy Carving!
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I use mostly .eps files so what can convert those to dxf? or would that be a big pain?
Last edited by AskBud; 12-14-2010 at 12:28 PM.
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Michael T
Happy Carving!
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Michael T
Happy Carving!
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Just went to buy the dfx importer and seen it was $199 way out of line for the hobbyist.
Michael T
Happy Carving!
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