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Thread: conforming vector question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    NLR. Arkansas

    Default conforming vector question

    I dont have the conforming vectors software yet , but my question to someone that does is this.
    here is an example of a plaque that someone on forum posted , and in the carve region the words are carved with the raised letters, now if you do the words with centerline text using the conforming vectors which one will finish carving with the least amount of machine time and how much of a difference.
    thanks steve
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Yellville, AR 72687-0652


    Quote Originally Posted by skeeterman View Post
    I dont have the conforming vectors software yet , but my question to someone that does is this.
    here is an example of a plaque that someone on forum posted , and in the carve region the words are carved with the raised letters, now if you do the words with centerline text using the conforming vectors which one will finish carving with the least amount of machine time and how much of a difference.
    thanks steve
    I do not have the conform function, but visualizing in your mind on how the CW machine works it would still need to raster carve first, and it would need a bit change .

    It may add time.
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  3. #3
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    On best quality. Original 2:02, Centerline 2:08. It's gotta carve out the center region either you'll have a bit change with centerline text. It really comes down to the look that you're going for....

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  4. #4
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    At best setting, raster @ 2.02.47, and 90V conforming @ 2.08.51
    Then add time to change bits.

    Gwhiz! Ya done beat me!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    NLR. Arkansas


    Thanks guys , was just curious

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    If you are are raster carving letters, you need to use at least "Best" setting. If you are using Centerline with Conform, you can easily get by with "Normal" setting. I just carved 11 grand kid's Christmas presents this way. Also you can make the dome or whatever backing the lettering more magnified.

  7. #7
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    Carrollton Tx


    OK, Maybe I have a misunderstanding as to what conforming vectors are. I have a project where I want to apply text to a dome and have it uniform across the surface, that is the letters are the same thickness acroos the surface. What I am coming up with is a standard depth with Centerline and the same with Rastor. Never once does the software ask if I want to use conforming vectors. What am I doing wrong? I've attached a sample.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Vector Conforming is used with vector lines or tools alone with Centerline text.
    The Conform box in you tool bar will need to be checked to see it work
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Vector tools and Centerline.jpg   Dome with Text.jpg  
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    Last edited by Kenm810; 04-09-2011 at 10:03 PM. Reason: Added File and Photo

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sk8nmike View Post
    OK, Maybe I have a misunderstanding as to what conforming vectors are. I have a project where I want to apply text to a dome and have it uniform across the surface, that is the letters are the same thickness acroos the surface. What I am coming up with is a standard depth with Centerline and the same with Rastor. Never once does the software ask if I want to use conforming vectors. What am I doing wrong? I've attached a sample.
    On your sample it did not show the Dome effect, I added some depth to the image. To make the Raster fonts flow with the dome you need to merge the dome to the type font. (Check Additive)

    I do not have the Conform program, but you can select the Demo function.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Test CV2.jpg   Test CV.jpg  
    Using Designer Version 1.187
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sk8nmike View Post
    OK, Maybe I have a misunderstanding as to what conforming vectors are. I have a project where I want to apply text to a dome and have it uniform across the surface, that is the letters are the same thickness acroos the surface. What I am coming up with is a standard depth with Centerline and the same with Rastor. Never once does the software ask if I want to use conforming vectors. What am I doing wrong? I've attached a sample.
    My download link, below, has an AVI lesson on titled "Conforming Vectors". It shows how and when you may wish to apply the "Conforming vectors" option.
    AskBud Downloads =>> CLICK HERE
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