When I did the demo at Lowes on the 1st of November, I met a bunch of great guys. Many of which already had a carvewright and just wanted to ask questions. Tony, however, was clearly struggling. He had never used a computer and had only purchased one so he could use his Sears Compucarve. Being a woodworker most of his adult life he had visons of projects he wanted to make but couldn't get them into designer the way they were in his head. I started to go to his house on Sunday mornings to help him learn the software. He has a way to go but the designs and engineering are all his, all I did was help him learn the software.
Here is one of Tony's first projects. He had three colors of wood and three names to carve. He seperated each letter of each name so he could carve them in the color that he wanted, Red, black and white wood. The piece was made to top a half high wall. It looks great.
Tony is also one of the best chefs I know when it comes to baby back ribs. I have been going to Tonys house every Sunday morning for a couple of months now and I always have a rack of fresh babybacks when I leave. Tony's wife just past away a few months ago and the Compucarve helps him pass the time by making things for his grand children. By the way, Tony is 93 years old and his Compucarve is in the living room. No one is gonna yell at him and he dosen't get cold walking to the garage.