Designer version 1.026 is now available from the "Check for Updates" option in your Help menu. Macintosh beta testers can re-download the updated DMG file from the same link you used before. Updates in this version include:

  • * Added arc centerpoints
    * Added parallel and perpendicular tools
    * Added support for alpha mask when importing images
    * Improved text centerlining quality
    * Improved ability to select and drag line segments
    * Improved Calibrate Offsets feature for better centering on length
    * Improved aux roller tracking
    * Fixed problem measuring the length of more than one board
    * Fixed machine settings corruption issue
    * Fixed depth offset correction during Calibrate Offsets
    * Fixed carving of tops of text
    * Fixed enabling of depth entry box in bit select dialog
    * Fixed occasional hang when closing windows
    * Fixed error when cutting pieces exactly one inch in thickness
    * Fixed slow length measurement of board
    * Fixed occasional "Possible Board Removal" warning