I'm a few days late in reporting this, but version 1.025 of the Designer was released this past Monday. You can select "Check for Updates" from the Help menu to download the new version.

The password for installing this update should have been e-mailed to you when you bought your machine. If not, please contact us by phone or e-mail and we'll let you know what it is.

Changes in this version include:
  • * Added ability to arc text.
    * Added "Floor Edges" checkbox during image import.
    * Added Utility Toolbar for useful drawing functions.
    * Added 3D graphics hardware acceleration preference.
    * Added board size information to Project menu on machine.
    * Reversed front edge measurement for higher accuracy.
    * Improved precision of vertex locations.
    * Improved edge rout procedure to minimize effects of board slippage.
    * Improved tabbies when combined with edge routs.
    * Improved constraint solving engine.
    * Use fewer passes when cuts are combined with edge routs.
    * Allow modifications to carving data while groups are selected.
    * Allow searching within Favorites collection.
    * Fixed several issues with importing and drag/drop of images.
    * Fixed ability to save a board with metric measurements.
    * Fixed unnecessary bit change prompt and invalid cut state.
