Welcome PatternDepot Vendors to our new Group exclusively for contributors to the PatternDepot. It will also serve as a forum for us to exchange information and new ideas. I have recently taken over the responsibility of managing both the forum and Vendor Panel for the PatternDepot. So, please bare with me as I am still learning. I am always open to suggestions and comments to help improve our site and your success as a vendor. I hope you all are aware of the new online CarveWright Corner and, specifically, the PatternDepot Section. We have added articles such as "What is the PatternDepot?", "Newly Added to the PatternDepot" and "Pattern Vendors". I hope this section will continue to grow and welcome your ideas.
Any news on the update or remodel or whatever is being done with the depot.
For the present, I will continue to update my thread "New patterns in the store" each day that I see the additions. I'll keep the format the same (no frills). As you have seen I list all the new Pattern Names and link to that vendor. Since it is on the standard Forum section, I think, it may well get as much or more attention than the new categories do at this time. AskBud http://forum.carvewright.com/showthr...s-in-the-store
LRW: I'm not sure what their plans are for redoing the PatternDepot. For now, we have to work with what we have. AskBud: Glad to hear you will continue the thread. I think I will stick it up at the top, so it doesn't keep sliding down.