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01-03-2009, 01:14 PM
I suggest the following should be change for CW Designer.

1. The placement of patterns or object in designer should be base on x and y axis of the board. It can be an additional feature beside the distance from the edge or center.
2. When you group two or more patterns or splines, it must become a single group. Once it become a single group you should be able to click on one pattern in that group and the whole group is selected.
3. When rotating a group, the rotation should be base on one single group position instead of every objects in that group rotated individually at their existing position. Same for moving or scaling of a group.
4. The spline should be rotatable.
5. The layout of the virtual board in Designer should faced the same direction as of how it was placed in the machine.

I hope these features will be added in the next version.

Hanh To