View Full Version : multiple carves

Michael Anthony
12-19-2008, 08:07 PM
Hi, can someone help me with this problem? I am trying to carve the same image 8 times on the same board , my board is 3" wide by 24" long i want each image to be centered on a 3x3 area I have tried to do it manually but they dont come out any where close
Michael Anthony

12-19-2008, 10:00 PM


Hey, Is that North County San Diego? I lived near there for 13 years? With 8 inches of snow today I wish I was back in San Diego.

There is a Centering function with your Designer that will keep the design centered. To turn it off just select it again.

It's on the upper tool bar.

Remember your rollers need to ride on the wood. If your design eats away all the wood and the rollers drop down into a carved area it could faulty out with a wood removed error or a broken X drive gear. A wider board would be better or a sled.

Read the tips and tricks for a sled design.


Michael Anthony
12-19-2008, 10:20 PM
Hi Al: Thanks for the heads up, yes san diego north county, 65 degrees and sunny what city did you live in if I may ask?
Michael Anthony