View Full Version : need to get my thinking cap on right

11-06-2008, 08:59 PM
I want to make a large project and this is just a test to see if I got layout correct.
I want to merge two halfs after carving, Will the CW have trouble carving off the edge of the board and should the center line of the two halfs always be in the center of the machine?
see attached, once you rotate the halfs on the screen as the machine will carve them, I believe I have them layed out correctly.

any input would be helpful.


11-06-2008, 09:16 PM
I took a quick peek at your mpc's and the general layout looks fine to me.

You might want to create an attachment to a control point on the fleur horizontal centerline for an exact half/half placement...or maybe use the snap to grid function for locking the placement of each half.

No problem carving to the edge as you have it laid out.

11-06-2008, 09:19 PM
I've done a few projects like this and I see a problem that you might run into with future projects if you're going to cut them out. You need to put the halfway point on the top of the board in the software, not the bottom. The top is the part that is farthest away from the brass roller. If you have it on the bottom, the you take a chance of damaging it with the cutting bit or a carving bit. Also, on the yellow dot in the center of the pattern, when you put it close to the edge, you will start seeing numbers that tell you how close to the edge it is. Click on this and type in 0 and hit enter. That will put it exactly on the edge. When you do the other side of the piece, just rotate it 180 and do the same, putting it on the top. I uploaded the mpc's that I used on a project for my last unit if this helps any.

11-07-2008, 06:10 AM
Thank you both for the input, I think i'm on the right track.
I have one question for Brady, on your mpc's , if the CW will rotate the the dwg want that put you match line near the brass wheel and could that hurt the carving bit or the cutting bit?
Let me know, I was concerned about keeping the match line in the middle of the carving area.


11-07-2008, 06:23 AM

I agree with Michael. I see no problem with the layout at all. I also agree that you should lock the center of your pattern to the edge of the board with an attachment (picture).