View Full Version : can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?

10-03-2008, 08:12 PM
I am extremely confused and starting to think im crazy:) ...

I just got my machine about 3 days ago so im really new at this but I am trying to cut out a 2 dimensional object. I have done it successfully 3 times now. It measured the board asked for the the 1/8" cut bit and then just started cutting it out. Now the 4th time ive tried this it measures the board and asks to load the 1/8" cut bit, then it does all the finding surface stuff and then istead of starting to cut out the pattern it asks for a carving bit. Im not carving anything but I wanted to see what would happen so I hit enter. It started running saying it was carving and the bit just spun in place until it said 100% complete and then started cutting out my object.

How do I skip the carving part and just cut it out?
I tried reprograming it in the software but I feel like i keep doing the same thing and nothing is changing.

10-03-2008, 08:28 PM
You know without seeing your project it is difficult to tell you a reason why. So if you could post your mpc project I will try helping.


10-03-2008, 08:55 PM
I hope this helps. The part in black I want to keep. I hit the import image button and cropped it and then hit the lower button until so the background disappeared. then when it showed it on the board i made it the size i want it to be and outlined it and then hit the cut path button and then flipped the cut path to keep the inside object. It seem like it worked for me at first and now this time around its not working.

10-03-2008, 09:03 PM
I hope this helps. The part in black I want to keep. I hit the import image button and cropped it and then hit the lower button until so the background disappeared. then when it showed it on the board i made it the size i want it to be and outlined it and then hit the cut path button and then flipped the cut path to keep the inside object. It seem like it worked for me at first and now this time around its not working.

Could you share the actual the mpc file? The file you loaded to your flashcard? That way I can open it in designer to see what you did in the design before you uploaded it.


10-03-2008, 09:09 PM
ok I think I got it right this time, Thanks for being patient with me. ;)

10-03-2008, 09:13 PM
Steph, I fixed the pattern so you can outline and cut out. Try this, it should work everytime.


10-03-2008, 09:17 PM
Thanks Ike. Can you tell me what I was doing wrong?

10-03-2008, 09:20 PM
ok I think I got it right this time, Thanks for being patient with me. ;)

Oh that is is ok !!!! Lol, looked at the pattern and it is showing it being cut out. To hide it push the hide button. Now why it asked for a carving bit I don't know? You said you outlined the pattern. Well when you do that it selects a bit so it may have been set on the 1/16 ball nose. There may be a a fine line you can't see so it try to carve it.

Now why it did it on the forth time, lol gremlins!!!!???


10-03-2008, 09:24 PM
Ok I looked at the bit selector and it was highlighted and set on the 1/16 ball nose with a 000 depth set. Try selecting no bit and reload the project to the flash card

Hope that will work/


10-03-2008, 09:34 PM
That is strange how you were able to get it to cut and hide the pattern. The modified one should work everytime. Maybe our software experts know what happen. I did what you did and imported the image and loaded it to the designer. Then outlined it and the function to cut the outside would not work.

I am stumped!


10-03-2008, 10:40 PM
It's trying to carve the zero depth pattern you have in there.

If you have Designer 1.31 right click the fret pattern and select hide, then it won't carve it.

If you have an earlier version delete the fret pattern and leave the cut path.