View Full Version : I need tech help

09-22-2008, 08:05 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm making a Saddle Stand and the end pieces has a problem. In the MPC enclosed you will notice stars in each corner of the center. The center will be cut out by hand. The problem is when I made the rectangle and put the half circles in each corner the lines of the rectangle will be carved, which I don't want.
Is there a way of doing this without having the lines carve in the stars?
Baker City, OR

09-23-2008, 04:46 AM
I don't know about anyone else...but I can't open your MPC. Says it was created in a newer version. I'm running 1.130...haven't done the upgrade yet...so now we have to go to the newest version?????? I was waiting a bit to make sure. That didn't happen between 1.126 and 1.130. What's the deal?

09-23-2008, 07:31 AM
I don't know about anyone else...but I can't open your MPC. Says it was created in a newer version. I'm running 1.130...haven't done the upgrade yet...so now we have to go to the newest version?????? I was waiting a bit to make sure. That didn't happen between 1.126 and 1.130. What's the deal?

Lin, I think that in previous versions all of the tools were the same. In version 1.131 there are tools and options that are not present in previous versions. If you were to select a two pass cutout in 131 everything from 130 down would not know how to handle it.

09-23-2008, 10:30 AM
John -

Set the height of the stars to 50, it'll fix your problem.

Also set the depth of your rectangle and the arcs to be the same, or they won't flow together. The arcs are at .1, rec. at .063, the arcs are deeper, will show on final.

Finally, all of our fellow carvers recommend to set all of your shapes, etc., to bit optimization: best, regardless of the quality you use when uploading - your (what I call) "fit and finish" will be much better.


09-24-2008, 02:22 AM
CNS Ranch,
Thank you, I have tired it and it looks like it will work. It took the lines out of the stars. I forgot about the Best setting for the figures and that is a great idea too. I'll be making two of these for each end and we use mortise and tendon to join them. I'm guessing the saddle should be about 2 to 2.5 feet long. I don't have a saddle to measure, but that should be close. I guess it depends on if it's for a man or child. Anyway, it's a sample to show and I hoping for a few sales from it.
Again, Thanks a lot for you help..
Baker City, OR

John -

Set the height of the stars to 50, it'll fix your problem.

Also set the depth of your rectangle and the arcs to be the same, or they won't flow together. The arcs are at .1, rec. at .063, the arcs are deeper, will show on final.

Finally, all of our fellow carvers recommend to set all of your shapes, etc., to bit optimization: best, regardless of the quality you use when uploading - your (what I call) "fit and finish" will be much better.
