View Full Version : y stall error 500

09-22-2008, 12:51 PM
I have been having intermintent y stall error 500. I have read other posts but mine sounds different (because they dont mention the following); The error occures when the machine sudenlly carves all the way to the Y = 0 position and tries to to go even further. Just suddenly goes all the way to the end of the track. The first time it happened it occured about half way through the project. i noticed the bit was a little loose so I replaced the bit adapter then, Cleaned the machine, reformated card and the project worked well. Then on the next two projects it occured within a minute or so into the projects. i assume that when this has occured to the others (i have read about) that the stall occures while it is in the proper carve region. Seems like it may be software related but I'm still new at this. Just a few weeks ago I had sever close cover problems then suddenly seems to have worked itself out. All of this has occured since I updated to the lastest version of the software. Been trying to contact carvewright but keep getting a busy signel. Read that reflash machine logic could help for some; however I dont know how to do that. Could really use soom help on this! Thanx in advance.