View Full Version : Oregon Trail

07-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Just wanted to share my latest the trail piece is done in poplar 17”x4” the finish has a conditioner first and semi-gloss lacquer 2 coats the pattern has taken me over 50 hours to get to this point and I have some to go.
The moose scene in Oak is “Michaels” cnsranch and the eagle is “Michael T” CarveBuddy.
Thanks you guys for the great patterns.
Have a great day
Ray Ver. 1.130

07-13-2008, 01:17 PM
Very Nice Ray. Really like the Oregon Trails one being an Oregonian myself. The moose scene is fantastic and all the detail around the picture looks great. I have a 1936 Oregon Trails coin I would love to carve into a clock face but just haven't tried it yet. thanks for sharing your work with us.

07-14-2008, 08:15 AM
Thanks SandBuoy, It is with the help from all in this community and a love for all things wood I have gotten this far.
I have not seen a Oregon Trails coin but it sounds like a great project.
Here are a couple more pixs of the one I am working on now though not as nice as FW Harris finished project it has been fun so far

07-14-2008, 05:43 PM
great work to say the least.

have any of you master designers ever giving thought to maybe had some of us newbies have a convention and maybe get a little hands on.

lord knows i need a lot of hands on

great work and let me know when it all done

id like to buy that scene.

is the trout download still available


07-14-2008, 06:40 PM
Thanks SandBuoy, It is with the help from all in this community and a love for all things wood I have gotten this far.
I have not seen a Oregon Trails coin but it sounds like a great project.
Here are a couple more pixs of the one I am working on now though not as nice as FW Harris finished project it has been fun so far

Hello Ray,

What fantastic work! I am continually amazed at the ingenuity of my fellow carvers. I never thought of pairing the eagle with the fish - what a great idea! Nice "action pose".

I LOVE the moose scene and the Oregon Trail scene too. Amazing.

07-15-2008, 12:48 AM

I love the eagle addition to the project. I bet I clicked between both views at least a dozen times. You did an outstanding job of putting that together. Did you do a back side carve on the eagles? could not tell for sure but it does look like some carving is there. Your photo effect really makes is stand out and could be framed!

Thanks for the acknowledgment on my project. Like you said this has been a fun project to work on and I can't wait to see your finished work.

07-15-2008, 10:52 AM
Good morning.
Many Thanks your comments touch the heart.
Kendall, I do believe that the trout project is available and the eagle can be pick up at “CarveBuddy“ site. As for the convention I also find that appealing, between the combined talents of every one here in the community it would be a rewarding round table, mind expanding experience.
Michael, Thank you for the outstanding tools and Ideas that you give to us I love how your patterns detail jump out and grab your attention. The Carve is all you.
FWHarris, Fun Yes especially when it can be shared and enjoyed by others with such talent. The eagle is a backside carve I used the cut path to line it up and set the depth at 0.250 and height at 999 and bit optimization Best I also put a carve region above the feet with a 0.375 depth to carve threw and I used a scroll saw to cut everything out
The carve board size is 31”. Included are tow pixs of the board out of the machine 6hours 40 min carve.
It is I ho can’t wait to see more of all your projects.
Good Day
Ray using ver. 1.130

07-15-2008, 04:12 PM
so Ray

does that mean you'll be in charge of the convention or do we have to elect a president of the carvers guild and get this thing rolling lol.

i could host it here in central south dakota depending on how many people would be interested.

we have some nice facilitys that would handle it overlooking the beautiful missouri river

let me know if i can help


07-15-2008, 04:44 PM
so Ray

does that mean you'll be in charge of the convention or do we have to elect a president of the carvers guild and get this thing rolling lol.


This is already being handled over at www.CncArtGuild.com if you werent aware of it. An area that has been set up for Carvewright owners around the US.

07-15-2008, 04:58 PM
great job also on the trout project Ray. heres a picture of the Oregon Trails coin.