View Full Version : Thinking About buying Center line

07-04-2008, 09:26 PM
Hi All,

I have read a lot about the center line and did some searches. Way to much stuff not related in the search engine. So I am going to just come out and ask those of you with it, Is It worth it? How much better then designer is it? What are the benifits to Center Line over the regular Designer Program. Wish they had a 3 day trial presiod to try it out so I could determine for myself. But you guys that are using is good enough for me to answer these questions. Thanks for any replies and help on the matter.


07-04-2008, 10:56 PM
It's not a seperate program it is already in designer and buying it just unlocks it.

As for the difference. It gives another option for text design and is faster than raster or outline but carves into the wood leaving a v-shaped groove. It's neither better nor worse than the other options, just different.

07-05-2008, 03:34 AM
Just MHO Sand, but centerline has added a new aspect to lettering that made raster less appealing. It is much cleaner, and easier to color (stain/paint) Even outline is ok, but centerline is much better. The only drawback is you can't adjust the depth of centerline. This makes using it on carve regions tough, not impossible, just difficult. (maybe next update ;))

Below are 2 I've done. Pauls is raster, Bryans is centerline. The pic capture is:
1. Raster @250 D Carve regioned
2. Outline @ .250 D V60
3. Centerline V60

All are Monotype Corsiva

For $100 is it worth it? For the upgrade it has made in my lettering, to me.. Yep. :)

Just my 2Cs

07-05-2008, 04:57 AM

Those are great! I really like the first one where you inset the truck and pump parts. GREAT idea and VERY nicely done.

Thanks for sharing them!!

ah yes...even MORE ideas.....so little time.

My 2 cents on Centerline is simple. More options, more possibilities. Can't imagine NOT having it.

07-05-2008, 11:24 AM
Thanks for the feedback. Looks like a pretty good option to have. Especially now I am cranking out a lot of small signs with beach saying right now.

07-06-2008, 07:53 AM
Bernie is after a firefighters heart with the first one with that truck in it