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View Full Version : First problem: Board Sensor

04-14-2008, 12:37 PM
When doing the test as outlined in the manual, p. 37, I go to option "0", then 7, press enter and all I get is "Cover switch closed".

Also, I have read all the threads here (I think) and have tried to removed the board sensor. However, I can't loosen the two philips screws. Any suggestions? Is there a better way than working upside down with a mirror.

Since this is my first problem, I may be missing something.


04-14-2008, 01:12 PM
Once you get to the sensor test menu use the 'Up'/'Down' arrow buttons to scroll through the various sensor's reading screens until you get to the board sensor...

04-14-2008, 02:54 PM
Thanks, Jeff for your quick reply.

Loaded board, lowered head: reading: 21

Not over board: 0

Hand underneath: 0

Mirror underneath: 40 +\-

Any ideas for loosening the screws? A little heat?

I do appreciate the time you take for this forum.


04-14-2008, 03:59 PM
The sensor body is plastic, I would not apply heat. Since your working upside down you need to make sure you are turning the screwdriver the correct direction (easy mistake to make). If you are looking from the top you would be rotating the screwdriver clockwise to loosen.

04-14-2008, 06:25 PM
A stubby quality Phillips would work or a 90 degree ratchet type screw driver would help.

Don't pull the wires too hard you could pinch them up on top.

I found the best test is to use white copy paper. You place the white paper on a board and crank the head down onto the board. A good and clean sensor will read 140 and up. Slowly crank the head up and watch the numbers go down. By 3 cranks you should be in the 20's. The engineer explained it once on here that there is an averaging circuit to help the computer decide what is the center of the edge. This sometimes comes into effect with the moving finger. Paper is best.

If your machine is working GREAT.... NOW is the time to do this test and find your working number so you can check it later and know a 40 is bad and a 140 is GOOD.... Just part of being in tune with your machine because sooner or later you will have a board error.

And I know you are using a light wood right? A dark wood will not reflect light and give you a board error. That is where the paper comes in.... You pop it on and check the reading. Know if it is the sensor or the user error. Dark woods need to be covered in blue or regular masking tape.

There are 3 components in the sensor. 2 Transmitting LED's and one Receiver inside the hole in between the LED's. A dirty window will cause the problem.

Be very careful putting the sensor back. I pinched a wire and it broke.... I was able to splice it but a replacement of that wire usually involves a trip to Texas.

Keep your box and all the packing to send your unit.

Good Luck,


04-15-2008, 07:12 PM
I am amazed at how much power is in a tiny bit of dust when it's in the board sensor. I removed it, opened it up, cleaned it and it works great.

Thanks to all who replied with helpful information.

This forum and CW / CC support are doing a great job and I appreciate it. Thanks to all. And keep making sawdust ...... but try to keep it out of the board sensor!

04-15-2008, 09:07 PM
I was having trouble with mine. I have always had to use tape on the dark woods.
One time I picked up a roll of masking tape I had gotten at Dollar General, and it was so thin it did't help. So use quality masking tape.

later Daniel

04-15-2008, 10:05 PM
I think it's most interesting that many of these machines won't read dark wood. I often use woods such as Ipe & black walnut and as long as all my shop light are on I don't need to use tape. Once I had a problem of it 'seeing' the board and I used my little LED light that I carry on my belt, and no further problem. :p

04-16-2008, 10:41 AM
I think it's most interesting that many of these machines won't read dark wood. I often use woods such as Ipe & black walnut and as long as all my shop light are on I don't need to use tape. Once I had a problem of it 'seeing' the board and I used my little LED light that I carry on my belt, and no further problem. :p

I just can't resist..... "That is a VERY BRIGHT IDEA".... Snicker....


Ken Massingale
04-16-2008, 12:17 PM
I just can't resist..... "That is a VERY BRIGHT IDEA".... Snicker....

Groan!!!!!!! ;-) Good one, Al.