View Full Version : Low Sensor Reading

04-12-2008, 02:27 PM
Got up this moring all excited about the bench back I want to carve. Moved the machine out onto the main floor for the length measuring last night. Infact I cleaned the machine, lubed it and wiped it down like it was getting serviced. I clean and lube it after every carve but this one was a complete 2 hour clean.

Got up this morning, got the board ready and fired up the CC. Entered the project hit the button...........clean board Sensor....ON NO !!!! Figured I got a little dust on the lens so I wiped it off and same thing.

So I came in here read how to take the sensor loose and took it down. Inside of the lens was dirty. I tried blowing some air into it but it was still dirty. Then I removed the plastic cover. Man was it thick with dust.

SO LESSON LEARNED.....Next time I completely clean the machine really well I remove the sensor so I don't blow dust into it.

Well put the sensor back in....nothing. Moved the machine into better light nothing. I was using a peice of white paper to check it. Then I thought maybe trying to hold the flashlight so the light hit the paper. Bang, movement on the scale. Put the paper back under it and got 59...thats as high as I can get the sensor to read with the help of the flashlight or without it.

Any ideas on what may be the problem. I ordered a new sensor last Monday and everything but the sensor came in. Called CW and told them I didn't get it in the box. So Now I am strained with a sensor thats only reading 55.

04-12-2008, 02:59 PM
Careful you don't pinch a wire... I did.... Shorted the whole system out once..... One of the 2 LED emitters must be broken. The sensor is in between the LED's and a small hole. Dust blown inside the hole will cause this.

Good Luck,


04-12-2008, 03:51 PM
Hi Sandbuoy With the Unit turned off & the sensor plug in take a small Flat blade screw driver & push each pin in gently they can get lose.


04-12-2008, 05:47 PM
Called the techs this morning and I just got of the phone with them. Said to send the sensor back and they would issue a new one. I had one on order with some other stuff that came but the sensor wasn't in the box. Figured they were back ordered or just missed it. Wrote Thursday and told them about it. Man could I have used it now. I think I am going to order s couple more just to have around.

04-12-2008, 07:21 PM

Amazing what you will find during a good complete clean!

04-12-2008, 07:43 PM
Or cause FW