View Full Version : Mini Mop vs Sanding Mop??

04-07-2008, 12:41 PM
Heard a lot about the sanding mop from you all, but I prefer using my Dremel tool with 1/8" shank.

Here's a link I found re a mini mop - what do you all think? (Hope this link works)


Another link


Ken Massingale
04-07-2008, 01:28 PM
They surely last longer than the Dremel brushes I've been using. One use and they are gone, not cheap either.
I use KlingsporGold 5 and 6" disk on my ROS's, and it is an excellent abrasive.

04-07-2008, 01:36 PM
i just received the mop sanding pads from that web-site, not the mini-mop. plan on using it with variable speed drill. will let u know how they work

04-07-2008, 01:40 PM
I've actually been using the 1" steel cup wheel brush made by Dremel. It flairs out when you get it up to speed, and doesn't mar your surface. Had one in an accessory kit - worked pretty good. In fact, I found them on ebay - 18 for $12 plus $3 shipping. Ordered them this am, but the mini mop really caught my eye.

04-07-2008, 02:40 PM
I got the 4" sanding mop from stockroom and it works great. The 4" isn't recommended for a hand power drill (only the 6") but I haven't had any problems. Didn't know about the mini-mop, will have to check that out.

04-07-2008, 03:24 PM
I hate sanding. I bought a 6" sanding mop after asking the forum for recommendations a few months ago. There is no one tool that is perfect for everything. When I find a tool that will save me time and produce the results I'm looking for then its the right tool at the time for me. 1" Dremel sanders or 6" mop? It's all relitive to the size of the project.

Here's my sanding mop.

04-07-2008, 05:09 PM
I too have the 6" sanding mop from stock room supply, I got it in the 120, 220, and 320 grit. Since I do alot of cleanup sanding on my projects I bought an inexpensive (read cheap) drill press for about 30 dollars and use it as a dedicated sanding mop station.

I get pretty good results using it; and it works well around the contours of a project without getting too aggressive and removing too much matreial.

I would reccommend this for a carvewright user to clean up their projects

Would the mini discs work in a pneuamatic die grinder?

hope this helps


twinpeaksenterprises, LLC
04-07-2008, 05:45 PM
Great information. I been wanting to get a sanding mop after seeing a reccomendation on here. Cant find them at lowes or wal mart. Think i'll go for the 4 inch and hook to a drill. Anybody got a link for a good deal on the 4 inch please let me know. I been using files and them dremel spongelike things which is $4.00 for two and only last for one 12x12 project so thats no good. Yes sanding is a bear. Hopefully the mop will work well im anxious to get one.

twinpeaksenterprises, LLC
04-07-2008, 05:48 PM
Okay i saw Hotpop's link, thats what i need thanks!!! Will post some results here soon. Thanks again!

The "DH"
04-08-2008, 07:08 AM
I use 6" sanding mop all the time now.. What a time saver. Woodcraft now sells them as well.

http://www.woodcraft.com/default.aspx run a search for sanding mop.

My mops are 3 months old and still going!!!!